Photography Blogs & Tutorials

We know a lot of you must be bummed about not being selected for a mission to Mars on SpaceX or Mars One, or, actually, maybe you’re just happy to see Mars right here from the comfort of earth. Either way, this fun photo series from Julien Mauve is exactly what you need. In Greetings [...]

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No matter how cheap I am, I always bear in mind that sometimes you get what you pay for. However, a recent bride doesn’t feel that way about a 40 (~$60 USD) camera she purchased to use on her honeymoon. Kirsty Fuller, a bride from the UK, wanted to be able to havephotos of her [...]

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Image by Ice Light Creator – Jerry Ghionis

Having easy access to the right light at every photo shoot is essential to any photographer, and in this case made possible by the Ice Light. A portable and brightness adjustable,continuous LED light source, the Ice Light is a lightweight and simple on-demand lighting solution. If anything, its similar build to that of a light sabre, will almost always be a conversation... more

You may recall the pandemonium that broke loose earlier this month when Google’s new photo service, Google Photos,shamefully tagged two black people as gorillas; However, that isn’t stopping Google fromfunneling newusers into using the service. In a Google+ post made by the company, they informed the public they would be officially discontinuing their Google + [...]

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Photography is all about the light. As photographers, our aim is to capture and control the amount of light hitting the cameras sensor to perfect a good photo.

When photographers talk about light, you will hear terms mentioned such as ambient, which is natural light. Note this type of light is always changing, it doesnt remain constant. Split, Rembrandt, and Butterfly are some of the... more

Black and white are the default background colors for many of my photos. There are several background systems (paper, fabric, roller blinds, etc.) and I wanted to have something that is easilychangeable, portable and inexpensive for those two colors. The result is a background wall on wheels. Both sides are papered with background-wallpaper and so [...]

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43 years ago NASA released a spectacular image of Earth taken from on board the Apollo 17. It is the one of the most widely distributed images in human history. Today, NASA released a new photo which could probably be crowned as the new Blue Marble. And trust me, it is not an easy photo [...]

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I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: Documentary photography has been one of my foremost artistic influences and fascinations since I was a child. Tellingstories about real people and real moments that can never be recreated. Sebastio Salgadois a fascinating photographer and has amassed a body of work that would take a whole [...]

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If you have ever wanted to explore off-camera flash but don’t know where to start,I have some good news. Many consumer-grade cameras such as the Canon Rebel series and the Nikon D3000 and D5000 modelshave a fantastic feature that might be just what you are looking for.

One challengewith off-camera flash is that you need a way to fire them at precisely the right moment. That usually means outfitting them with tiny little remote controls called triggers, that are tied into a... more

I am not a female photographer. I am a photographerwho happens to be female. Together, in this industry, in the year 2015, we are simply photographers. We are not defined by our gender. I, for one, want to be defined by my talent and ability, not by the fact I have a uterus and my [...]

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