Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In the world of photography, everyone seems to fall into certain categories or somewhere in between. There is nothing wrong with either but most photographers seem to be one of these; technical photographers or creative. Technical photographers are more about getting it in-camera, while creative photographers are more focused on composition and post-processing. However, there are others as well, and while you may not think you are one of these, you might fall into one of the others. So what... more

Photo enhancing apps have come a long way over the past few years. However, researchers from MIT have worked with Google and have gone a step further: they are introducing an app able to retouch your photos before you even take them. They use deep learning to create the software. When you turn the app […]

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Camera straps have always been a personal thing for me. I find one I like and I stick with it for as long as possible. My favourite used to be a chunky Nikon NPS strap I got about 15 years ago. It stuck with my main camera as I upgraded for about a decade, then […]

The post How to make your own DIY leather camera strap for less than $10 appeared first on... more

For filmmakers who want to buy an entry-level cine camera, RED Raven may be a good choice. However, its not available on REDs website any longer, but theyll need to head over to Apple store. The camera will be available as a kit online and in selected retail stores. And while RED is developing their […]

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RED has recently announced Hydrogen One, their very first smartphone. There was only one mysterious render photo with the announcement, but now theres finally something more to see. Marques Brownlee had an exclusive chance to get his hands on a couple of prototypes. In his latest video, he shares the first hands-on with REDs smartphone […]

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We’ve all had those awkward clients at some time or another. If you haven’t, then you will, don’t worry. I’ve been working in various creative fields for around 25 years now, and I’ve experienced all of these. In fact, one particular former client springs to mind that single-handedly embodies at least six of them all […]

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You have probably heard various reasons for converting a photograph to greyscale. I think that there is just one good reason.

converted to sRGBprofile and NO edits were done on the image – this caption is just for Richard’s information

Small Point

First though, a small point – the terms black and white versus greyscale.

Is it black and white?

It is a personal bugbear. We all do it. I do it. But we really should not say “... more

National Geographic has announced the winners of their annual Travel Photographer of the Year photo contest. From over 15,000 entries from photographers in more than 30 countries, the grand prize went into hands of Sergio Tapiro Velasco from Mexico. The winning photo displays a magnificent sight of an erupting volcano hit by a bolt of […]

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Two years ago, Light announced L16: a weird-looking camera that looks somewhat like smartphone, but captures DSLR-quality photos. It combines 16 lenses of three focal lengths to create 52 MP photos. If you were wondering what the photos captured with this strange device would look like the answer is here. Light publishes the gallery […]

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Last year, Yongnuo launched a budget 100mm f/2 lens for Canon mount. There was a word then that Nikon version would come soon and it seems the time for that has finally come. Not only they will soon present us with the 100mm f/2 lens for Nikon, but theyll also introduce a pancake 40mm […]

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