Photography Blogs & Tutorials

It cant be denied. Theres something special about reflections that makes them a unique aspect of photography. Maybe its because a reflection just like a photograph is a gateway to another world, parallel but restricted. Also just like photography, reflections are a simplification of our world; they turn a 3D reality into a 2D representation.

In a way, photography can make reality and reflections more equal, by cramming the former into 2D while retaining the natural, 2D state of the... more

Weve all been there: you sit on a picture forever, bored of retouching, and then when you do get around to it strange things start to show up in it. Like odd rings of graduated color. These rings of color are called banding. They are nothing more than tonal breaks but before I explain where […]

The post Everything you wanted to know about Banding and were afraid to ask appeared... more

You have probably seen photos on the internet where the same person appears in multiple spots in a single photo. At first sight, you might not have believed it, and later you must have gone berserk looking for ways that effect can be achieved. Well, who does not want that superhero feeling where you can appear in 2-3 different places doing 2-3 different things as well in a single photo.

Let me tell you, it is not at all complicated or difficult to clone yourself multiple times in a... more

Samsung are looking to massively upgrade the storage capacity of next generation mobile devices. The company have now announced a new 512GB storage chip. Theysay that this it the first 512GB embedded flash storage solution for use in mobile devices. It offers “unparalleled storage capacity and outstanding performance for upcoming flagship smartphones and tablets”. It’s […]

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Despite 54% of all photos uploaded to Flickr being shot with iPhones, those at the top of the pile seem to be shot by DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. Flickr has determined its users’ top 25 photos of 2017, based on various metrics. Number of views, shares, and favourites created a shortlist which was then checked […]

The post Phones aren... more

When “Portrait Mode” was first introduced with the iPhone 7+ it was met with mixed reaction. Some people loved it, thought it was a fantastic feat of software engineering. Others hated it, either they felt threatened by it (yes, really) or just didn’t think it looked believable enough. Neither side is particularly wrong, though. It […]

The post How far has... more

Different lenses produce a different look and effect in your images. Wide-angle lenses add depth and dimension to your images and give them a sense of three-dimensionality. They can be used to add humor and add interest as well. But, you must use a wide-angle lens properly.

Weekly Photography Challenge – Wide-Angle

The key to using a wide-angle lens is to get close to your subject. Really close! Not so close that you can’t focus, but close enough to make the subject... more

Most of us who order online have had shipping disasters at some point. Either the product shows up with bits missing, or it doesn’t show up at all. But what if you ordered a $3,200 camera like the new Sony A7RIII, and instead of receiving one, you received two? Well, that’s exactly what happened to […]

The post This photographer bought one... more

Star Wars is one of the most well known and popular movies ever. Although, I recently did a poll of my friends on Facebook and it surprised me just how many have never seen it (what’s wrong with you people?). But, the success of the movies and the franchise as a whole was not guaranteed. […]

The post Success is not inevitable – How good editing saved... more

Here is another fun video from the team over at COOPH. This time they’re playing with ordinary household items found in your kitchen.

Here are 8 DIY photography hacks you can do at home

Watch as they play with some eggs, kitchen utensils, have fun with a cheese grater, make a DIY softbox for a flash, play with reflective surfaces, flour, and some fruit!

Get cracking (pun intended) and see what you can come up with trying these tips out.

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