Photography Blogs & Tutorials

When working with one speedlight outdoors in daylight, logic dictates that you need to find the shade if you want to create a nice quality of light.

This is because you only have one light, which a) needs to do all of the heavy lifting, and b) is not very powerful. Which means that you tend to go softand closewith your... more

A few days ago we showed you a way to freeze subjects in ice in Photoshop. Now it’s time to freeze their motion in front of the camera, with the assistance of a little flash. And, of course, a little help from Jay P Morgan of The Slanted Lens. In this video, he shows us […]

The post Use strobes to freeze subject movement and action appeared first on... more

Happy 2018! Can you believe it is already 2018? Seems like just a little while ago we were all celebrating ushering in the Y2K era and now to think that 2020 is just two years away seems unreal. I love the new year. It brings forth hope, aspirations, and positivity.

Metaphorically, it is like the slate has been wiped clean and you have a chance to chase some of your most amazing and lofty goals. So why not use this new year to invest in something that you really love as well... more

It seems that some of us will have a very special January if we look up to the skies this month. We’re expecting to have two supermoons, a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse. The eclipse is also coinciding with that second supermoon, so should be very cool. I say some of us, as […]

The post Bring in the New Year with two supermoons, a blue moon, and a total... more

Well, this is a bit of an embarrassment. Taiwan’s new e-passports have been released, and then quickly recalled after a picture of Dulles Airport, near Washington D.C., was printed as the backdrop to one of its pages. Mashable believes that it may be the result of a Google Images search screw-up, which shows a photograph […]

The post Taiwan... more

Popular teaching about photographic composition says to learn the rules and then break them. I prefer to encourage the people who join our photography workshops to learn the rules, understand them well and put them into practice so frequently they become second nature.

If you can apply the rules without even consciously thinking about them you will create more dynamic, interesting photographs which convey more feeling.

Why do we have rules?

Rules are important as they are... more

The Sony A9 was pretty much an instant hit once it was announcedearly last year (that feels weird to type). Being able to easily keep up with its Nikon D5 and Canon 1DX II contemporaries in most respects, and even beating them in some. But if you own one, have you ever wondered how it […]

The post Take a peek inside the Sony factory to see how they make the Alpha A9... more

2017 is almost out the door (maybe it already is in Australia). As we say goodbye, I wanted to come back to our top ten popular posts of 2017. I was surprised at some of those. Art student figures out you can save money on Wacom nibs by using spaghetti Internet entrepreneur shocked that copyright […]

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Wishing you the happiest new year from the dPS family.

As a bonus, here is a summary of some amazing ultimate guides we published in 2017. Each is available as a free PDF – just click on the ones you want to download below.
