Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Drawing the viewer’s attention to the main subject in your photographs will help them understand your story more clearly. If you have a busy scene with no clear focus point it will possibly give your viewers an overall idea of what you were photographing, but they may not scrutinize it for long. Adding a clear center of attention will help you create better storytelling images.

Particularly when you are photographing a locality with a lot going on you can seek to isolate... more

Theres no doubt about it, the business of travel photography has never been tougher. More competition, an oversaturated market, falling license fees and limited client budgets mean that travel photographers have had to work harder and change their business models. Here are five ways to ensure that you stay ahead of the travel photography game.

1- Embrace Social Media

Its hard believe that there was a time before social media. While some of us remember that time... more

A great way to broaden your horizons in photography is to try out something new. In some cases, that will be a different technique, and in others, this will be using new gear. In this article, you will see four different kinds of camera equipment to help you get creative.

The obvious new gear for you as a photographer is a new lens. But there are other options though, and these will be explored in this article. Of course, it’s not the best idea to get new equipment until you have... more

When we think of storytelling images, we immediately think of people doing something in a documentary type of photograph. After all, people make the most interesting stories. But landscapes have stories too.

As a landscape photographer, you can create a collection of images that tell a story about a place without having people as the main focal point in the image.

The following steps will help you pull the story out of the landscape and convey it to your viewers.

1.... more

Perhaps you want to creatively improve your image, already taken with a depth of field and bokeh or create this effect from scratch for a specific composition. In this article, you will learn how to work with new and old filters and their features, creatively apply textures, even create a bokeh texture from scratch.

Also, you’ll learn some small secrets and useful features of digital artists. Described techniques and features will be available depending on Photoshop versions,... more

If you have already gotten some ideas and tips for how to do winter photography here – then you’re ready to go on this week’s photography challenge.

Photo by dPS writer Holly Higbee-Jansen

Weekly Photography Challenge – Winter

If you need more tips try these dPS articles:

  • 4 Tips for Low Light Photography During the Winter... more

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere you may be in a snow-covered land at this time of year. So here are some videos to help you get out and do some winter photography and make some stunning images.

15 Winter Photography Ideas

Don’t know what to photograph in the winter? Here are 15 ideas to help you get started.

5 Winter Photography Tips and Hacks

Now that you have some ideas of what to photograph in the winter, here are some tips on how to go about it including:... more

This is probably one of the silliest, but practical, DIY sound recording options I’ve seen. This 2 minute video from YouTubeer Thru Art shows us how we can build own own sound booth for recording voiceovers using items from around our homes. It actually doesn’t sound that bad, although you might look like you’re trying […]

The post Build your... more

I believe youve seen the photos taken with expired rolls of film. Even after 35 years, they can often still develop nicely. But what happens when you combine a roll of film that expired 35 years ago with developer produced somewhere between 1949 and 1963? Tucson-based photographer Daniel Keating decided to try it: and he […]

The post Here’s what it looks... more

In 1928, Andre Kertsz took an iconic photo of a fork resting on a bowl. Its called La Fourchette. Despite its simplicity, or maybe because of it, the photo is striking. The separate parts of the composition are banala bowl, a fork, and a tablebut the photo is a superb study in light and form. Bold shadows emphasize shape and create a visual intrigue that holds... more
