Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The word from CES 2018 is that Nikon’s upcoming mirrorless will have an entirely new lens mount. At least according to Nikon Rumors. Despite simply being a rumour, I can’t believe that this isn’t true. At least the technical specifications, if not the name, which NR suggest may simply be a working title for the […]

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Do you remember that game called Stuck in the Mud we used to play as kids? Itgoes something like this; one kid is elected to be “it” and runs around to tag as many people as possible. When tagged, the other players have to freeze and stand with legs and arms apart, as if they were stuck in someglutinous mud. The only way to get free of the mud is when a non-tagged comrade climbs through the legs of the trapped players. It goes on until everybody inevitably gets stuck in... more

Well, GoPro might be out of the drone game, but it looks like challengers are stepping up to take on DJI. First there was Yuneec’s new Typhoon H Plus, and now Autel Robotics have announced their new EVO; A compact folding drone to take the DJI Mavic Pro head on. Boasting a 30 minute flight […]

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Weve all had those days: you want to take photos, you need to do it, but you feel like the inspiration has deserted you forever. Even a famous photographer Bob Holmes feels like this sometimes. But fortunately, there are ways to overcome it, and he shares his methods with you. These techniques will help you […]

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The problem with visiting popular tourist destinations is, obviously, other tourists. Anywhere you go that’s pretty and popular is flooded by a stream of other people, too. They’re in your shots and you’re in theirs. There are a couple of ways to get rid of them in post for both stills and video, but they […]

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Googles Art & Culture app has an amusing new feature. If you take a selfie within the app, it finds your look-alike in a work of art. Google compares your face to over 70,000 artworks in their Art Project database and then tries to find your doppelgnger. Sometimes the results are stunningly accurate. But at […]

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Like most hobbies or professions, every photographer started out somewhere. This usually means they also made mistakes along the way from which they have learned.

The thing to remember is that everyone makes mistakes even seasoned pros might on the odd occasion get things wrong, but the key is to learn from your mistakes and move on. As you become more experienced the mistakes will get less and less, but in the meantime, here are six mistakes to avoid when you’re just starting... more

After banning Terry Richardson, Vogue publisher Cond Nast is breaking the ties with another two famous fashion photographers: Mario Testino and Bruce Weber. The reason behind the decision is the same – the photographers were accused of sexual abuse. With the #MeToo movement becoming bigger, the number of sexual abuse accusations is rising. And according […]

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Professional architectural and landscape photographers use tilt-shift lenses to avoid converging vertical lines and to get the entire scene in sharp focus. Portrait and food photographers use them to create interesting effects using blur and shifts in the plane of focus. Tilt-shift lenses are exciting creative tools, but they are also specialist items. That means theyre... more

Foamcore are an incredible asset for work inside and outside the studio, but there is always the question of mounting them. One way is using a reflector arm and another is holding them with pony clamps, there is even a DIY holding solution. PhotographerTony Roslund shares another low-budgetoption which I really like: Using a baby […]

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