Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In this tutorial we will be going over how to create gorgeous in-camera flared effects that can add a lot of depth and interest to a simple portrait image. To do this we will be using a glass prism which can be found on any number of online retail sites. The glass prisms are generally […]

The post Shooting through prisms at home or in the studio appeared first on... more

We often hear stories from both sides of the fence on how much gear really matters. And there are many arguments both for and against Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS). We all go through the feelings of it at some point. I know I have. Whether or not we act on it is another matter entirely. […]

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We have reported before that Kodak could bring their Ektachrome film back this year. As the end of 2017 approaches, were anxious to hear the news regarding this launch. According to a comment they posted on Twitter, theyll be officially launching a limited amount of the film at the beginning of 2018. Judging from the […]

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The Leica M10 is, without doubt, a rather wonderful little camera. I’ll never own a Leica, because I simply can’t justify spending the kind of money that Leica commands. Especially on something I don’t really need. But it is interesting to see how the company and its cameras develop over time. Equally as fascinating, if […]

The post This... more

When it comes to lighting, there is an infinite choice on how you can light your portrait subjects. Thats great and its addicting, but when you are starting out it can also be overwhelming. To counter the inevitable information overload that you will get researching lighting, it is a good idea to know a few basic setups that you can fall back on should you be pressed for time or should you need a backup. This article will introduce you to a basic two light setup often called clamshell... more

All the time, I see new flash and strobe owners ask “How do I fire these things?, which isn’t an unreasonable question. For speedlights, it’s fairly straightforward. You buy the one that fits your camera’s hotshoe, slide it on, and beyond that you read the manual to figure out what all the different functions do. […]

The post How to fire your strobes 3 different... more

The Sony A7III announcement that some were expecting yesterday never happened. Perhaps Sony simply didn’t want to compete with Apple’snew iPhone releases. Regardless, Sony did still have an announcement yesterday, which included the Sony RX10 IV; a 20.1MP bridge camera with a Zeiss 24-600mm lens that shoots up to 24 still photographs per second. The […]

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Jeffrey Tsang is a maritime YouTube vlogger, sailor, and photographer. He sails on a container ship that travels across the globe, and in his latest timelapse he shows you a wonderful journey across the sea. He put 30 days of sailing into only 10 minutes. And these are probably the most awe-inspiring 10 minutes on […]

The post This beautiful timelapse takes... more

Famous model Gigi Hadid is being sued for copyright infringement. Last week, Photographer Peter Cepeda filed a lawsuit against her because she posted his photo of her on Instagram without his permission. She allegedly ripped the photo from a news outlet, removed the credit byline, and posted the photo to her profile. By doing this, […]

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There was a lot of speculation what the new iPhone. The strangest being what it would be called. Would it be the iPhone 8? The next logical number after the iPhone 7. Or would it be the iPhone X? To celebrate 10 years of the iPhone’s existence. Well, Apple responded by announcing THREE new phones. […]

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