Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Lightroom is a mature, fully featured photo-processing app. It has tools bursting out at the seams, from lens corrections to color corrections and even camera styles and mode emulations. That doesnt stop you from having some favorites though. These are the ones that I seem to use on every photo that I choose to edit.

My five favorite Lightroom sliders

So, here are my five favorite Lightroom sliders in no particular order. I’ll use two different photos to walk through but will give... more

Google have released a new version of Snapseed with a drastically overhauled user interface. Version 2.18 is available for both iOS and Android. You know Snapseed, it’s the reason Google bought Nik Software. A company which offered a fantastic suite of desktop tools Google then abandoned. They say that the new user interface is designed […]

The post... more

Photographer Mathieu Stern is crazy about vintage lenses, and his collection contains some pretty unusual pieces. For his latest video, he chose three vintage prime lenses of different manufacturers and focal lengths. He used them to photograph the same model on three different locations, and you can compare the results and check out how each […]

The post Shooting the same model with... more

At the end of the third fiscal quarter, Adobe broke the record in revenue. The financial results they reported for the Q3 of 2017 show the $1.84 billion income, which is 26% year-on-year revenue growth. Out of this sum, as much as $1.27 billion comes from Adobes Digital Media segment, with Creative revenue growing to […]

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There are plenty of opportunities for creative photos all around your home. And one pretty cool idea comes from a Swedish photographer Micael Widell. He uses a glass kettle of boiling water, speedlights with colored gels and a macro lens to get some abstract photos. There are plenty of ways to play with light here. […]

The post How to make creative abstract photos with a... more

For shooting stills, Nikon’s autofocus system is pretty solid. I’ve thought so for a long time. Even my ageing Nikon N90s could keep up just fine with most everything I’ve thrown at it. Several cameras later, I picked up a D300s. The 51 point predictive 3D autofocus tracking just blew me away. Every Nikon I’ve […]

The post This video shows... more

Greater success with your event, street, travel or any other genre of photography can depend a lot on how prepared you are before you leave the house and how observant you are at the location you are making pictures. Here are some tips to help you be better prepared for your next photo shoot.

A participant in the annual Chiang Mai Flower Parade enjoys having her photo taken.

I’ve based this article on street and event photography so I can use my... more

There are several ways to change colors of objects in Photoshop, and plenty of different objects you may want to change: clothes, hair color, light color, furniture and so on. Nathaniel Dodson from Tutvid has created a fantastic video that shows you five techniques for changing the color of different objects. You can choose the […]

The post Here are 5 ways to change the color of... more

If you shoot video with DSLR or mirrorless cameras and you want to get serious, you really should consider a shoulder rig. They basically turn your camera from being Bruce Banner into The Hulk. You get so much more stability, capability and control. They’re more versatile and dynamic than a tripod or even a monopod. […]

The post This custom DIY shoulder... more

Creating a 3D model of someones face usually requires multiple shots taken from different angles. But researchers from the University of Nottingham and Kingston University have created an AI tool that makes it from a single portrait photo. The scientists describe the 3D face reconstruction as a problem of extraordinary difficulty. However, theyve managed to […]

The post This AI... more
