Photography Blogs & Tutorials

When I began posting my photos online, I started getting comments like wow, you must have a great camera or anybody can take photos like these with expensive gear or I cant take photos like these because I cant afford an expensive camera like yours. It breaks my heart when I hear people say things […]

The post I bought a $200 camera and lens so people would stop... more

When the vibrance slider was added to Adobe Camera Raw version 4, it was one of the most significant changes ever made to the popular raw processor. Today it seems difficult to live without it. Vibrance also came to Photoshop CS4 as an adjustment layer, and we gained a whole lot more control over how […]

The post Yes, saturation and vibrance are different things and here... more

In this article, I will review the latest version of PaintShop Pro 2018. I have a unique perspective, having used it over 17 years ago for the first time. Let’s see how it fairs now.

Please note: this is a Windows-only program.

Start of PaintShop Pro (PSP)

Approximately 17 years ago I was working in retail selling computer hardware and software. A lot of people came in asking for Photoshop and were understandably shocked when they were informed the... more

TechCrunch report that Apple has acquired a small computer vision AI tech startup, Regaind. They say that the report has come from multiple sources, and if true could be very cool for the future of Apple’s mobile photography. Apple already added an intelligent search to the iPhone Photos app a couple of years ago. It […]

The post Apple is critiquing your... more

1. Lens There are several good lens options for macro photography. You could use extension tubes combined with a normal lens, which gives you some magnification. Or even better, you could reverse a normal lens, which combined with extension tubes gives even more magnification. The most convenient and flexible option though, especially for a beginner […]

The post 10 macro photography tips... more

Whether youre into Instagram or not, theres no doubt it has become a powerful tool for photographers to showcase their work and even book sessions. Growing an audience is a tedious job (if you dont want to use bots). But, the results of a recent study may help you grow the audience faster. The researchers […]

The post Photos of faces perform almost 40% better on... more

In this article, see how the shot below was conceptualized, shot and put together and finished in post-processing.

The idea

It all begun with the first picture I did of the customers hot rod. He wanted a print on his wall (about 2×3 meters). So, I used my large format camera, a Linhof Master Techika, with sheet film. We did a large scan of the negative and the huge print of that scan.

This huge print from a 4×5 negative looks great even... more

I’m in the market for a new camera. Here are 5 things I am considering before I make a purchase. I have been a very happy Sony customer for the last 2+ years. My A7R continues to serve me well. I am inching closer to an upgrade. I know the A7RII is an awesome camera. […]

The post 5 things to consider before buying a new camera appeared first on... more

I was fortunate enough to get hold of the new Spekular Modular LED kit from the people at Spiffy Gear a little bit earlier than most. So I’ve been using it for a couple of months now on everything from a personal portrait project to a product shoot of a whole load of shoes, and lots of other things in between.

In the box with the Spekular Modular LED kit

The kit comes in a handy carry case that... more

The power of social media can be a double-edged sword. A recent body positive shoot of a Texas couple, Stephanie and Arryn, spread all over the internet like a wildfire. The reactions of the public were mainly positive, but apparently, Stephanies employer doesnt share the opinion of the public. After the photos went viral, Stephanie […]

The post Woman gets fired after her body... more
