Photography Blogs & Tutorials

It’s not uncommon for me to sit down at my computer with a memory card full of images and stare blankly at my ever-growing Lightroom catalog while my mind reels at the thought of editing each and every one of them. Many photographers have experienced this phenomenon and there are certainly some good methods of dealing with it such as using Presets in Lightroom, syncing edits across multiple photos, or even just copying and pasting a series of edits from one image to the next and then... more

Earlier this year, Aputure announced their upcoming monster LED light: the Light Storm 300D. And now, its officially launched. With impressive 142,000 lux @0.5m , its brighter than any light in the Aputures arsenal, and its comparable to a 2,000W tungsten. But it isnt just the brightness that makes this light so powerful. The 300D […]

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Adidas has started a new campaign that centers around authenticity. Their Icons of Tomorrow promote the brand, and these are the people who are using their creativity to motivate a better tomorrow. Among these icons who promote diversity is a Swedish photographer Arvida Bystrm, who caused a lot of stir because of, believe it or […]

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Many photographers with crop sensor cameras dream of switching to full frame sensor. But is it really essential for raising your work to a next level? Photographer Manny Ortiz has created a real-world comparison of the photos taken with a full frame and a crop sensor camera. He shot with a full-frame, $5,000 Sony A9 […]

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The Canon 6D Mark II has had a bit of a tough time since its release. But, for all the disappointment surrounding this camera’s release, that doesn’t mean it completely sucks. Not by a long shot. It’s just not as good as people were hoping for. To help prove that the 6D Mark II was […]

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Variable neutral density filters are quite a wonderful thing. In theory. They let you adjust your exposure outside of the camera’s own systems as the light on your scene changes. They’re quick and convenient, and expensive if you want a good one. But are they really all that good? Lok Cheung used variable ND filters […]

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Im sure we all feel jealous of other artists sometimes, more or less often. But jealousy is an emotion that doesnt do us good, and it just blocks us from improving. Photographer Sean Tucker discusses this topic in his latest video, and its something we should all watch and think about it. In this video, […]

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In this article,

A few weeks ago, I was packing for an 8-day photo workshop I was leading in the Alaska Range. It was autumn, which meant wed be concentrating on the landscape, but there would likely be ample opportunities to photograph wildlife and create macros. That diversity meant that I would need to pack for every opportunity.

A year ago, or heck, three months ago, that would have meant my bag would have included: two DSLRs, a 500mm f/4 with a 1.4x teleconverter, a... more

Have you ever wondered about the logic behind HEX color codes? Nathaniel Dodson oftutvid has created a great video to help you make sense of those seemingly illogical strings of letters and numbers. The video makes HEX code look simple, and you dont need to be a math genius to understand it. Even I was […]

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A 50mm lens is probably the first lens most of us bought after we got the camera. They are generally affordable, especially if you go for a f/1.8. But if youre on a really tight budget, or just want to satisfy your gear acquisition syndrome without guilt: Kai Wong has a video for you. In […]

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