Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Shutterstock has introduced their new search tool, which helps you narrow down the search results even further. Composition Aware Search lets you search the images by the position of the objects in them. The tool features a canvas on which you place the keywords. Then you can move them around and get the photos that […]

The post Shutterstock’s tech lets you... more

Documentary style photography has long been of great fascination to me. The sheer act of photographing people and places to document spontaneous moments and the imperfections associated with it gives such photography, and the photographer, a sense of being authentic, real, and free to exercise his/her creative freedom.

Officially, documentary style photography has many technical definitions. As per Wikipedia, documentary style of photography is used to chronicle events and environments... more

If you’re flying a drone and want professional photos and video you need a set of polarizing and neutral density filters. I have been using a set of Polar Pro filters on my Mavic for some time now, so I thought I would spotlight why I use polarizing and neutral density filters on my drone […]

The post Gear Spotlight: Polar Pro Drone Polarizing and... more

One of the most powerful distortion tools in Photoshop is the Puppet Warp command. First Introduced in Photoshop CS5, Puppet Warp is a handy command that allows you to easily bend and shape parts of your image as if it were a puppet. You can use this distortion tool on almost any photo, but in this tutorial, I am going to give you a crash-course on how to make the most out of Puppet Warp command when distorting people in your photos.

Puppet Warp provides a visual mesh that lets you... more

Photography has always held a weird space in my head. In my mind, I make things that look neat. I have always held great envy to those who create such complex, emotional narratives to their images. I sit and observe with awe and wonder at the tales that come from them, their reasons for color, […]

The post Does Photography Matter? appeared first on... more

I guess all couples want to have interesting and memorable wedding photos. But after a British couple made their photo on the Greek island of Rhodes, they caused quite an outrage from the islands top bishop. Matthew and Carly got married in Rhodes. In front of the monastery of St Paul, still in the wedding […]

The post Greek island bans all foreign weddings over one... more

I think I’m going to stop listening to anybody who says that hard drives are dead and SSD is the only future of storage. Don’t get me wrong, I love SSDs. They’re fantastic for when you need really rapid access to data. They’re great as a system drive for your operating system and software. When […]

The post Western Digital are using... more

Earlier I rounded up a couple videos on how to do two very different styles of light painting. You can see them here. Below are two images of my own where you can see the two different techniques and the results.

In this image, I have light painted the building with a regular flashlight.

This shot is a combination of 3 people doing the light... more

Cameras and lenses are expensive. Really expensive. Even the cheapest entry-level DSLR kit today costs $500 and upwards. But what if you would buy the cheapest possibleusedDSLR? A camera that is over 10 years old? How would it stack up against today’s modern cameras? I was curious about this and decided to find out for […]

The post An $80 DLSR kit gives you more than you’d expect... more

Nature holds so many amazing sights the world never gets to see. Thanks to the proliferation of digital cameras and drones in the last decade or so, though, now there’s the chance that we can. It’s not that there are more people going out and looking for these sorts of things. When they do happen, […]

The post Epic drone footage captures wolf... more
