Photography Blogs & Tutorials

People always go on about 3 point lighting setups. They’re a staple amongst photographers, cinematographers, and even CG work. Or people talk about shooting with just a single light source. The two light combo, on the other hand, is often neglected. Personally, 2 lights is the route I take most often in my own work, […]

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We all remember getting our first camera. That feeling you had when you first opened the box and attached the lens to the body for the first time. We shoot here, there and everywhere, often frustrating the life out of those closest to us as we continuously point our glass in their face. Then that […]

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To produce photos of a certain look, we need to know exactly how to use the light. In this video, Hans Rosemond gives you five tips that will help you improve your lighting skills in no time. What I particularly like about this video is that these are not technical tips about types of lighting […]

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There are many tools that photographers use for creating compelling landscape photography, but some fail to realize that light is the most important element. We only shoot in those magic hours when the sun’s rays hit our subject at an angle to create a warm glow.

What many people don’t realize is that there are lots of different types of light that can affect the quality of your landscape images.How you approach this light will make a huge difference in the quality... more

In his recent video, Kai Wong showed you five 50mm lenses you can buy for less than $100. This time, he shows you a Chinese bokeh master – Kamlan 50mm f/1.1 manual focus lens for APS-C bodies. Its a bit more expensive ($170), so it didnt get onto the previous list. But judging from Kais […]

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Tracking drones is a bit of a hot topic. With all of the legislation constantly changing and evolving around the world, authorities want to know who’s flying offending drones. Put simply, there’s really no accountability. Unless they can find the person holding the transmitter, or law-breaking footage is posted to YouTube or Facebook and reported, […]

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Canon has introduced PowerShot G1 X Mark III, the latest addition to their premium G-series of compact cameras. For the first time, Canons compact camera features a 24.3 MP APS-C CMOS sensor. Another novelty is the Dual Pixel auto-focus technology, which was also never featured in a compact Canon camera before. PowerShot G1 X Mark […]

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Photography, especially nature photography, is the art of capturing a scene to represent a slice in space and time of reality. Right? Well, not exactly, not always. Thats definitely part of it, but from very early on in the history of the art, photographers have experimented with the possibilities and limits of technique and imagination to create abstract art. Art that aims not to be accurate, but to let the imagination run free to create an effect disconnected from the obvious.

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The drive to be creative is what focuses many people in photography. One variable you can alter to help you create photographs that really stand out is the lens. There are several different options for choosing creative lenses, depending on your taste.

In this article, you’ll see five very different kinds of lenses, and what they are capable of bringing to your photography. It’s always a good idea to have a lens that capable of something totally different, which will allow... more

Sometimes, you want to use a shotgun microphone, but the angle is too wide, or the location demands that the microphone would be very close to the subject. So close that it gets in the shot. VideographerGriffin Hammond has a great tip on placing a shotgun mic very close to your subject, while not seeing […]

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