Photography Blogs & Tutorials

People have been begging Canon for years to put flippy out (or up) articulated LCDs on their higher end bodies for years. Now it looks like they may have listened. This patent from Canon Japan shows a new rear screen design that looks quite intriguing. As well as the size of the screen, it also […]

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Shooting for black and white requires you to see a scene and think a little differently. You’re looking for a contrast of tones, not color, and it can be hard to “see” in black and white if you’re new to shooting in monochrome.

Here is a short video with some practical tips you can apply to create more dramatic black and white landscape photos.

If you want more help with your black and white here are a few more dPS articles on the topic:

As a creative, Im sure you have friends asking for your services but theyd like to get a massive discount. Josh Enobakhare (aka Olufemii Tutorials) discusses this problem and offers some tips how to deal with this without offending anyone or undermining the value of your work. Josh says his video is aimed mainly […]

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This is one of those stories you couldn’t make up if you tried. Most people, especially content creators, such as those with YouTube followings of 60K+ people know that much of the Internet is copyrighted. That just because an image appears in a Google Images search result does not mean that it’s free to use. […]

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Just a quick heads-up on upcoming Strobist events. If you are local to Buenos Aires or Dublinor have ever wanted to spend a photo-centric week in Havanacheck out the details below.

Buenos Aires, Argentina: November 17-19

I'll be doing a seminar and two workshops in Buenos Aires in November. In the half-day... more

Not long after Verizon took over Yahoo and Flickr, we can see the first changes. The once popular platform is terminating their service which allows users to turn their photos into wall art. Also, theyre giving up the book printing service. However, it wont be terminated completely, but turned over to Blurb instead. According to […]

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If you’ve made the transition from a hobbyist photographer to a part-time or full-time professional photographer, chances are that you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about your pricing. You’ve likely looked over your cost of doing business and the cost of goods sold. You’ve probably had to have some difficult conversations with friends and family members establishing that you can’t work for free.

These are all really... more

Phottix have announced a new speedlight, it’s “a manual flash with all the innovation you’ve come to expect from Phottix”. And, if you’ve come to expect “not much”, then yup, absolutely. Phottix’s new Juno speedlight is a manual speedlight with a built in 2.4Ghz transceiver. Not dissimilar to the half-the-price, Yongnuo YN560-IV. Juno has a […]

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With Lightroom CC shifting into the cloud, there’s a lot of doubt amongst fans of the former desktop application. They question Adobe’s commitment to the future of the Classic desktop platform, given the big push toward “the cloud”. If this indeed becomes the case, it’s left many users wondering where to go next. Right now, […]

The post Macphun arming... more

This week our news feeds were flooded with two simple words: #MeToo. This trending hashtag has raised awareness regarding how devastatingly widespread sexual harassment and assault are in todays society.The campaign began afteractivistTarana Burkelaunched, a website that supported and amplified the voices of survivors of sexual abuse, assault, and exploitation, andAlyssa Milano later shared […]

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