Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The new Sony a7R III has brought some improvements many of their users have been waiting for. Still, there are debates whether or not it is worth the upgrade. Photographer Manny Ortiz has tested out the new camera from Sony, and he votes yes on the upgrade. In his latest video, he gives five reasons […]

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For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been playing with the new YI 360 VR camera. I’ve wanted to get my hands on one of these since they were announced in April. So, needless to say, I was quite excited when it showed up at my door. Since it arrived, I’ve used it quite a […]

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In the sea of Craigslist ads or eBay auctions, you need to find a way to stand out if you want to get noticed and reach a good price. This is exactly what filmmaker Max Lanman did: he filmed a full-scale commercial for his girlfriends 1996 Honda Accord. And he did such a good job, […]

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you know whats better than a tripod? a travel tripod, and what’s better than a travel tripod? A travel video tripod! Well, to be honest, its horses for course kinda thing. Yet travel videotripods are a great tool to have if you are on location a lot and don’t have an intern a crew to […]

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Choosing a lighting modifier is always tough because it’s inherently limiting. Do you go for a large soft source or something with a little more contrast? Or something that plays well with the modifiers you already own? One modifier that appears limiting is the Octabox, because generally, they’re a pretty large source.

You could literally point them anywhere in the region of your... more

They say the best camera is the one that you have with you. Even though I love my digital SLR, quite frequently, I shoot with my smartphone. This is why mobile phone photography is so popular.

There is a collection of stunning oak trees near where I live. Each time I go there, the trees look different based on the weather and time of year.Did I need an expensive $5,000 camera to get these pictures? No, because I know some tricks for shooting with my smartphone.

For... more

Photographing volcanoes can be dangerous, but its certainly an experience to remember. Israel-based photographer Erez Marom traveled to Hawaii to try it for himself, and he captured the magnificent view of hot lava flows. But there was a price to pay – and he paid with his gear. He used a drone to get some […]

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Take lots of photos. Lots and lots of photos. Make mistakes. Lots of them. The more photos you take and the more mistakes you make, the better the photographer you will become.

I’m not encouraging you to blaze away with your camera like you’ve got a machine gun and are an actor in a B-grade action movie, you won’t improve your photography doing that. You need to carefully consider many aspects of what you are doing and make sure every frame you shoot is different than... more

It’s been a long, long time since title sequences were made in camera, by optically projecting the titles frame by frame on film. It’s all digitally made now.Stranger Things, Netflix’s 80’s themed series has taken a queue not only on the content of the show but also on how the titles were made. The logo […]

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One of the common questions I hear from photographers is regarding a way to link Lightroom to a photography portfolio website. It usually comes from photographers who dont like the design options in the LR Web module. The perfect solution doesnt exist, perhaps the closest (until recently) is Koken, a free plugin that I wrote about some time ago that uses Lightrooms Publish Collections to... more
