Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I love Sigma, they brought quite a few innovations to the photographyworld:updatablelenses, ceramic filters, the Quattrocamera family, and probably a few more that I am not currently recalling. With the amazing tech behind theFoveonsensor, and seven cinelenses announced in the lastyear, I was really curious to learn what are Sigma’s plans in the videosegment. We […]

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It’s rare that I actually see new ways to utilise a tripod. When these videos pop up, they’re invariably just a rehashing of somebody else’s tips and tricks. It’s not that I think I’ve seen or know them all already, but it’s just rare that I see something new. Maybe you have seen or even […]

The post 5 effective tripod hacks for your next film... more

Drone timelapse has started to become quite a popular thing lately. But it’s only very recently that people seem to be really experimenting with it. The short film, Low Earth Orbit, from Hong Kong basedVisual Suspect really kicks things up a few notches. It was shot over Folegrandos Island in Greece, using a mix of […]

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Did you know your laundry is toxic? Tests show that billions of people drink water with plastic fibers, and we can blame our washing machines for it. Photographer Benjamin Von Wong decided to point out to this issue in his usual way by creating an epic photo project. He aims at raising awareness and […]

The post Photographer creates epic “... more

Walking into a dimly lit room can be a photographers worse nightmare. Dark walls, low lighting, and weird shadows are enough to give even the calmest photographer a case of anxiety. Does this sound familiar? It did to me when I was first starting out and claimed to be a natural light photographer.

Because let’s face it, I did not know how to use my flash and more importantly did not know how to read light. Yes, I said that right. As a photographer, you not only see light but also... more

When IRIX announced that they are making a new filter system, I was intrigued. I mean, IRIX is known for their prime lenses, and not for filters. But come to think about it, it makes sense. If you know how to produce good glass, and your userbase is landscape why not give them what they […]

The post First look at the Irix Edge 100 filter system appeared first on... more

Choosing continuous lights has become such a struggle for new filmmakers and photographers. Not too many years ago, your options were simple. Either you get some great big super hot tungstens, or you use that big ball of fire in the sky. Easy. These days, there are so many more options. We’ve still got those […]

The post Everything you ever needed to know about lights in... more

There is no doubting that analogue photography is on the up or at least, it did hit rock bottom and it has bounced. But is gravity going to take hold; is it on the verge of failure again? Or is it about to break through into the mainstream again like vinyl records have? Moreover, […]

The post Is crowdfunding the best friend or worst enemy of the... more

I did photos for a high school senior recently who remarked that many of her friends were having their class pictures taken by one of the teachers at school. We chatted about this as I snapped away with my full-frame Nikon D750 and accompanying 70-200mm f/2.8 lens, a setup that delivers good results but often gets quite heavy and cumbersome after a long photo session.

As we... more

Theres something special about photos of water droplets. I personally like the element of surprise, because you cant predict the exact shape youre going to get. You can create fantastic photos using only water and some color, and photographer Adam Karnacz shares an in-depth tutorial for making them. Hell guide you through all the steps, […]

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