Photography Blogs & Tutorials

This topic may not be strictly related to photography. But, deals with an important aspect of our lives photography can affect relationships. If youre a portrait or fashion photographer, your significant other might feel uncomfortable when youre photographing someone from the opposite sex. And in this video, youll hear some thoughts on overcoming this […]

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The release of the new Samyang 35mm f1.4 autofocus lens for the Sony E mount system has grabbed everyones attention. Owning both this lens as well as the Sony Zeiss Distagon T* 35mm f/1.4, I have beenconstantly asked to do a comparison review. In this comparison, I will go through everything showing the differences between […]

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DJI’s new drone tracking system, AeroScope was announced last month. It’s designed to allow officials at airports, military installations and other restricted areas to easily spot unauthorised drone use. The Verge went to talk to DJI North America managing director, Michael Perry to see how the system in action and find out how it works. […]

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Blue hour is a fantastic time to get out and do some night photography. Yes, you read that right – night photography is best done before it’s actually night time.

To help you out with blue hour photography here are three videos with examples and tips.

How to shoot at blue hour with filters

Ray Salisbury takes you on location at blue hour and demonstrates how he scouts a location for the best spot, finds a good composition and uses filters.

Get the timing... more

Eric Par is best known for his stunning light paintingphotosand helpfultutorials. In all his photos, he remains invisible even though he stands behind the model and draws shapes with lights. He does it all in-camera, and many people have wondered how he does it. In this video, Eric and his partnerKim Henryshare a few tricks […]

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The development of LED lights over the last couple of years has been quite interesting to follow. 10 years ago, LEDs were the last type of light I’d use for any kind of serious video work, but since then they’ve come a very long way. They’ve become more consistent and colour accurate with high CRI […]

The post Westcott’s new portable LED makes... more

With more and more people shooting video and creating content for YouTube, microphones are more ubiquitous than they used to be. But when you want to go for one that’s a little more serious, they come with all kinds of tech data. The question most of us want to know the answer to, though, is […]

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The experience of the hustle and bustle that comes from shooting in high-traffic, highly photographed areas is a pain that most photographers know all too well. People can be packed into overlooks and pull-offs with hardly even room to stand let alone set up a tripod.

It seems as if everyone is trying to get the same shot. Not that theres something incredibly wrong with making photographs just like the person standing next to you. If you are simply after a snapshot to record where... more

Hasselblad is officially introducing the Rent a Hasselblad service, which will be available across the globe. No matter if you need it for a special photoshoot, or you just want to try it out, from now on youll be able to rent medium format cameras and lenses straight from Hasselblads official service. Bronius Rudnickas, Hasselblad […]

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Despite picking up a little in popularity in the last year or two, wet plate photography is still quite an alien process to many photographers. More and more information about it pops up onto the web every day. What I’ve not seen, though, until now, is an entire start to finish video or article which […]

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