Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Sony a7RIII was recently announced, and it has still been causing comments from photographers of all genres. While the first experiences were positive, there were also disappointments concerning astrophotography and the Star Eater issue. But how does the a7RIII perform for portraits? Photographer Manny Ortiz has upgraded to the latest Sony camera and tried it […]

The post First hands-on... more

Vacation is a great time not only to recharge and relaxbut also to practice your travel photography skills. Whether you’re a pro with lots of gear, or a hobbyist with your first camera, there are plenty of photo opportunities in a new place. In fact, there can be so many that you can easily get overwhelmed or uninspired to shoot anything at all.

If you hit a wall and don’t know what to photograph while traveling, here are some ways to fire up your creativity.

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As popular as film has become, a lot of people still mention the cost of shooting film being quite high. And we’re not talking about the price of gear, because that’s dirt cheap these days. It’s the actual shooting process that can be expensive. As the rolls are made in fewer quantities, manufacturing is more […]

The post How to develop your own black and white film... more

Starting from 2018, drone laws in the UK could become a lot stricter. The new draft legislation proposes that all drones weighing over 250g are banned from flying near airports or above 400ft altitude. Additionally, the users may be required to take a safety awareness test if they want to operate their drone. As BBC […]

The post UK users soon to take a test for operating a drone... more

Most of us have posted childhood photos of ourselves on social networks. However, singer Bruno Mars is facing a lawsuit for doing it. Photographer Catherine McGannis reportedly suing the singer for posting the photo of himself, which she took back in 1989. The photo in question shows Bruno Mars being the worlds youngest Elvis impersonator. […]

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I initially took up photography for one simple reason – I couldn’t draw. My 16-year-old self reasoned that photography must be pretty easy. Just point the camera and shoot, right? But as I worked away in the high school darkroom, I realized how powerful the camera is for artistic output. And as I built up my own photographic practice, I got to see another side of photography too, its therapeutic qualities.

It tasks photographers with the opportunity to truly seean... more

The team at Aputure via Kayell Australia (thanks) sent me the Aputure Light Storm COB 120D LED studio light to try out and that’s exactly what I’ve been doing! I had planned a... more

A few weeks ago Adobe renamed Lightroom to Lightroom Classic and re-launched Lightroom as cloud connected Lightroom CC. Aside from making everyone really confused, some concernsrose about how will this actually work in terms of licensing Lightroom (just see some of the comments on this post). As most things Adobe, everyone will probably migrate to […]

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Self-assessment after a year-long journey through uncharted waters. By definition the answer is simple: Its yes. Well done. Have a chocolate. So going with this definition everybody with the capability to take a picture is a photographer. Thats all right but for what I want to know though this definition is too broad to apply. […]

The post Am I a Photographer yet? appeared first on... more

Should you bother to learn about metering modes? I’m confident I can sell you on it. Your camera’s automatic metering will only carry you so far. As your digital photography ability grows, you’ll start to feel frustrated in scenes with mixed light. Learning metering modes is the key to making tricky light conditions seem much less intimidating.

Let’s jump right into this beginner’s guide to metering modes.

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