Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I know things with Leica written on them are supposed to be expensive, but wow. Leica has been producing Noctilux lenses for over 50 years. It kicked off in 1966 with the Noctilux 50mm f/1.2 at Photokina in 1966. That lens today has been updated with an f/0.95 aperture. Leica say that the new Noctilux-M […]

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This isn’t so much a photography related post, but a PSA for photographers, video professionals, or anybody else who uses a Mac. If you’ve updated to the latest version of High Sierra – 10.13.1 (17B48) – prepare yourself for a shock. This is a big one. It turns out there’s a big gaping security hole […]

The post Don’t leave... more

Photoshop shortcuts speed up our workflow without any doubt. But there are so many of them, that most of us probably don’t know them all. Jess Ramirez from Photoshop Training Channel shares twelve very useful shortcuts in his latest video. You may know some of them, but Im sure youll learn something new and speed […]

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Daring to be Different

One of the contentious topics in the world of photography these days seems to be what exactly is fine art photography. Ultimately it is what the photographer deems it to be, but in the world of art, there is a lot more to it. If you want to get recognition as an artist that uses the medium of photography, then there are certain expectations of what your body of work should be like and how you go about executing it.

Galleries and collectors are not going to... more

For the Canon shooter who has everything, this could be the perfect little stocking filler this year. Assuming you love them enough to spend $80 on them. This tiny replica of the Canon IV SB rangefinder camera is actually a new Canon-exclusive USB flash drive. It measures 2.8×1.4×1.4″ and contains a mere 8GB of storage. […]

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You want to get into filmmaking, and your first thought may be that you need to go to a film school. Of course, there are reasons both to do it and to learn everything on your own. And you may be indecisive what would be the best for you. FilmmakerBrandon Li has launched a video […]

The post Should you go to film school? Here are some pros and cons appeared first on... more

If the cost implications of shooting photography on 35mm film are putting you off, then worry not. The two biggest expenses to shooting film are the acquisition of the film and then developing it. A few days ago, we showed you how you can save some money by developing your own. Now, here’s Nick Mayo […]

The post Use a bulk loader to massively cut the cost of shooting... more

A nightscape is a representation of any place or scene at night. If you are venturing into this area of photography, you will quickly realize that there are some other things to consider along with getting your exposure right. Here are a few tips to help you.

1. Settings and Gear

Shooting nightscapes is a very cool way to teach yourself shooting in... more

If you happen to be locked out of your Facebook account, you may soon need to upload a selfie to prove your identity and be able to log back in. As a matter of fact, it seems that Facebook has already started implementing this captcha. In case they notice suspicious activity on your account, you […]

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If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. At least, that seems to be the sentiment offered by Sony as it announces a new range ofpro CFast memory cards. It’s a surprising move, given that CFast competes directly with XQD; A format that Sony had a hand in developing along with SanDisk (who don’t make XQD […]

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