Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Ever seen those flowy, innocuous desktop backgrounds that to show up on default computer screens?That’s the exact image I thought of when I messing around with Photoshop for this tutorial. Though they aren’t exact, these simple gradients and shapes come together to spur on a little nostalgia.

This project is pretty straightforward – but it introduced me to a couple techniques I had never come across before. Photoshop has opened up worlds of image-making... more

A challenging location is not just one youd call ugly, It may just not suitable for the project youre working on. Your client will have their expectations from you, and the location can make it difficult to meet them. Marcin Lewandowski from Adorama discusses this problem and gives you some great tips for overcoming the […]

The post How to approach challenging locations and get the... more

Sometimes it a rechargeable AA or AAA battery dies and you cant recharge it. However, its not always actually dead, and Iddo Genuth from Lensvid shows you a simple tip how to bring it back to life. All you need is another battery and a barbeque clamp. If the charger doesnt detect the battery, before […]

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There are many ways to compose or images and many different elements you can use for effective composition. Framing is one such element of composition that can be very powerful for leading the viewer’s eye when done well.

Eastman Kodak House (the home of George Eastman who founded Kodak) framed by the trees in the front garden.

Weekly Photography Challenge – Framing

Framing isn’t just about finding an archway, window, or doorway to shoot... more

How you compose or arrange your frame is one of the keys to creating interesting and compelling images. So learning some composition rules, and when to break them is essential.

Here are three short videos to help you see what to do and what to avoid in your composition.

Composition Mistakes to Avoid

Learn what not to do in this video including:

  • Double subjects
  • Looking out of the frame
  • Tangents (lines cutting through the subject)
  • Lazy composition... more

Even if you dont use a smartphone for creating videos, it can still be a useful addition to your workflow. There are tons of apps out there you could find useful, and Sareesh Sudhakaran from Wolfcrow shares some of them in his latest video. This is a list of 18 apps he actually uses, so […]

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It seems that crowdsourcing is not beyond intelligence agencies. At least, according to a leaked memo from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In it, theysay that the Special Agent in Charge Intelligence Program (SIP) Los Angeles have “moderate confidence” that DJI isproviding critical infrastructure and law enforcement data to China. They also say that […]

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If youre a tech geek, I guess you find it interesting to see how the cameras are made, repaired or torn down. If you also dream of owning a RED camera (or youre so lucky that you already do), this video will be a real treat for you. On their YouTube channel, RED Digital Cinema […]

The post This video shows how $80,000 RED cameras are made appeared first on... more

And we’re not talking iPhone Portrait Lighting mode here. This is light actually recorded on-set, that can be adjusted and changed in post. It’s a bit like how you can relight objects in 3D software, but there’s no 3D software in use here, this is all captured in-camera, thanks to Isolite. It’s a new series […]

The post This Isolite modifier system lets... more

Remember that little game wed play as kids, finding familiar shapes in the clouds? I still play it from time to time, but Australia-based photographer Peter Adams-Shawn has raised it to a whole new level. His project titled From the Deep features aerial photos, taken with a drone above the surfs of his local beach. […]

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