Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The death of Bowens earlier in the year was met with surprise from many photographers. But it paints a fairly clear picture. That even though more people are using flash now than ever before, some flash companies are struggling. Perhaps it’s a lack of innovation or lacklustre customer support. Maybe they simply can’t keep up […]

The post German flash... more

One thing that many viewers of popular YouTube channels want to know is how the people they watch create their content. Being an educational sort of chap, Peter McKinnon was more than happy to oblige. This particular “Two minute Tuesday” ended up becoming almost 16 minutes, although it’s well worth watching. In it, Peter goes […]

The post How Peter McKinnon... more

Most people stop noticing the locations they pass by every day. But photographers tend to see these places in a different way. Dutch photographer Albert Dros has captured the exact same spot several times during one year, at different times of the day. His photos are a perfect demonstration how the exact same place can […]

The post These photos show how the exact same... more

CyberLink seem to be going pretty hardcore on the 360 VR lately. After setting the VR binge-watching world record earlier in the year, they’re back with more VR news. This time, a VR stabilisation plugin for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro. The imaginatively titled CyberLink VR Stabilizer works to clean up that shaky 360 […]

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I love working with natural light, I always have. Even more so now that our digital cameras have sensors so incredibly capable of making images in extremely low light. Making portraits using natural light only is a good skill to learn so you can make photographs anywhere. Here are some tips to help you mast nature light portraiture.

Be aware of the quality of light

When you want to make a series of portraits using only natural light, you first need to be aware of what the light... more

Its been a while since Lytro decided to abandon the world of photography and focus on the video solutions. But their latest announcement is another step towards exiting the consumer photography market. As of this month, they are discontinuing their image sharing platform. This means their users wont be able to share the native […]

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As often happens around this time of year, Make a Website Hub have released their guidelines and cheat sheet for the image sizes we should be using on social media. Here, we’re going to go over the two that are most relevant to photographers. Facebook and Instagram. If you want to know the others, be […]

The post These are the social media image sizes you should use in 2018... more

Earlier this year I wrote what I felt was quite a personal article about what it is like to be a colourblind photographer. In the coming weeks and months after writing and publishing it (and having it widely re-shared across some very big photography blogs) I had contact with so many other colourblind photographers who […]

The post A black and white photography... more

Not too long ago, switching brands seemed a silly expense. Bouncing back and forth between Nikon and Canon was just far more cost and hassle than it was worth. Some photographers simply bought into both brands (it worked out cheaper than swapping every couple of years). Others stuck with their brand through thick and thin. […]

The post Why this photographer switched to... more

Bracketing is a method of taking multiple images of the same scene at different settings in order to capture more detail in your shot.

You might not be aware that there are actually a number of bracketing techniques besides the most common method which is exposure bracketing.

Exposure bracketing allows you to retain more dynamic range in your final image. However, other bracketing techniques which well discuss in this article can help you capture more detail in different focus... more
