Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Sharpening is one of those parts of digital photography on which everybody has their own opinion. How much, when in the process to do it, using what method, selective vs global, and even whether to apply sharpening at all. Whichever method you choose (or don’t), it’s always good to know multiple methods. When your chosen […]

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It’s that time of the year again – New Year’s resolutions! In this article I am going to take a look back at the photography business goals I set for myself last year, and re-calibrate my resolutions for 2018. Everyone has different goals and business targets so I hope you’ll leave a comment and share […]

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Do you struggle to know what to do with your images in post-processing? Do you know where to start with photo editing? Can you relate to this?

Before and after photo editing.

I recently received a message for help from another photographer, I’m so frustrated with Photoshop. I don’t know what to do or where to even start!?!? So I asked, What’s the plan? What are you trying to achieve? His reply, I’m not sure.

The uncomfortable... more (link is external)

Created from 105 individual exposures taken over many hours, “New York Transitions I” captures the dawn of a new day in New York City. I wanted to portray the magic of the skyline at both nighttime and daytime in a single image so I planned to create a VAST photo that transitioned from night to […]

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There is something very appealing about the simplicity of a portrait in black in white. It becomes less about the setting, background and environment and more about the person being photographed.

This week we want to see what you can do to create your best black and white portraits. Here are some articles to help if you need assistance:

For most people, exactly how phase detection autofocus in a DSLR works is a mystery. All we know is that the AF in the camera we’re using either sucks or it’s awesome. While autofocus can indeed suck, it often fails us because we don’t understand it enough to work around its potential pitfalls. This video […]

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Do you find photographing strangers in the street extremely awkward and even unpleasant? I know I do, so this video from Jessica Kobeissi and Mango Street really amused me, but also got me inspired. The three young photographers teamed up, created Free Portraits posters and interacted with strangers in the street asking them to take […]

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Zeiss Japan have announced that production of the following Zeiss Classic SLR lenses has ceased. Specitically that means the Zeiss Distagon T* 15mm f/2.8, 18mm f/3.5, 25mm f/2, 28mm f/2, and 35mm f/1.4 as well as the Zeiss API-Sonnar T* 135mm f/2.Their announcement reads (Translated)… 2017.12.07 Carl Zeiss Production end guide ZEISS SLR classic series […]

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The challenge with travel photography is that you may not get back to a location again anytimesoon. So many photographers try and squeeze out as many photos as possible. The issue is lack of attention to detail and having any intentions or purpose before shooting.

What do you want your image to show?

Waiting for the right gesture, or even right subject to enter your scene is critical.

In this image shot in Trinidad, Cuba I found some amazing light skimming... more (link is external)

Copying and pasting Develop settings from one photo to another can immensely speed up your editing workflow. Its one of my favorite features of Lightroom, and Benjamin Wardefrom Lightroom team shows you four different ways to do it. #1 The first method is to select the photo with the settings you want to use. Then, […]

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