Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Choosing prime or zoom lenses is mainly a matter of preference. And what to choose when youre shooting portraits? Many photographers would rather reach for primes, but modern zoom lenses can also give you sharp, high-quality images. In this video, Manny Ortiz discusses his choice when it comes to the lens for portrait photography. He […]

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Whenever I do an event that promotes my pet photography, there are always one or two potential clients that havereservations about booking due to their beloved furry family members unruly behavior. Whether it be a hyperactive puppy that does not yet know how to sit still or a feline that runs the roost, some owners believe their pets to be impossible to photograph!

But you see, this perspective comes from someone who lives with their critters. Those who specialize in pet... more (link is external)

I would probably need an infinite number of counting beads to count how many times a photographer says they are trying to capture the master painters of old in their work. But one photographer embodies this style whilst infusing it with their own master touch more than any other. MeetGemmy Woud-Binnendijk, one of the sweetest […]

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Here are five quick tips for doing retouching in Photoshop that are essential to know. Learn them to do better retouching on your photos.

#1 – Load Luminosity as a Selection

In Photoshop you can use the luminosity of an image (the bright pixels) as selections. The easiest way to make a selection out of the bright pixels of a photo is by pressing Command+Option+2, (Windows: Ctrl+Alt+2).

If you cannot remember the keyboard shortcut, you can also load luminosity as a selection... more (link is external)

Sick of struggling with Lightroom? Disappointed with one-click presets and want to know how to produce stunning, natural images in under 2 minutes read on!

Earlier this year we offered dPS readers an amazingly simple Lightroom Workflow by professional Aussie photographer Johny Spencer. It was one one of our most popular offers of the year.

As part of our dPS Christmas Deals, weve brought this amazing offer bundled with 2 of Johnys other awesome Lightroom resources: Mastering... more (link is external)

Next in our ongoing Photographer Spotlight series we have Rafal Makiela. Rafal is a Polish underwater fashion and commercial advertising photographer, currently based in Dubai. His work has been featured by various newspapers, monthly magazines, advertising campaigns and editorials and he is currently a brand ambassador for Ikelite underwater camera housings. Q&A With Rafal Makiela […]

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There are so many Photoshop horror stories out there from badly done HDR and selective colour to terribly “smoothed” skin in portraits. But none of them goquite so far as this short Photoshop horror film from Crypt Monsters. It begins with a somewhat creepy photographer wrapping up a photoshoot with an attractive model who’s obviously […]

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It’s almost two years since the Fujifilm X-Pro2 was announced in January 2016. Since then, it’s become a much loved and well regarded camera for anybody who’s owned one. One of the big drawbacks, though, at least for those looking to mirrorless for video, is its lack of 4K video. Well, that’s about to change […]

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Video monitors have seen some pretty rapid development over the last few years. We’ve seen them go from the heavy CRT of the standard definition days to super high resolution, lightweight, battery powered, slim displays we have today. And, oh boy, have they become feature packed. On the surface, the Convergent Design Apollo seems like […]

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Nothing hard this week for the photography challenge. Just show us your holiday-themed images. How do you celebrate with your family?Is it a big festive meal? Then photograph that. Do you deck the house out with sparkly lights? Photograph that!

Weekly Photography Challenge – Holiday Images

Time to practice shooting bokeh with your Christmas tree (link is external) or holiday lights. Or maybe... more (link is external)
