Photography Blogs & Tutorials

We hope you are enjoying your holiday week and have some time off work to get out and do some shooting.

In this first installment of our annual roundup of the best of the year on dPS, here are the top 18 landscape articles that we published in 2017.

  1. 6 of the Best Smartphone Apps for Travel and Landscape Photography
  2. ... more

Gimbals can be a wonderful filmmaking tool. They’ve become quite popular over the last year or two, very popular in fact. But are they becoming overused? That’s the argument put forth by Jakob Ownes from TheBuffNerds. He feels that gimbals are overused and take away from not only the story being told, but the storytelling […]

The post Gimbals – Are they... more

This year’s 12 days of Christmas was huge with some amazing savings on some great photography training and software.

However – because it’s a busy time of year – we know some of you missed out.

So for the next 48 hours only we’re brining all 6 deals back!

That’s right – all of our ebooks, presets, and courses are rarely all on sale at once, so now you can create your dream learning library – but only for 48 more hours... more

Collodion process was invented over 160 years ago, and photography has gone a long way since then. Still, some photographers use this process even in the digital era, and they produce splendid images. Photographer Adrian Cook uses collodion process to create photos on aluminum plates. Guardian Australia‘s picture editor, Jonny Weeks, joins Cook in his […]

The post ... more

Earlier this month, a Reddit post sparked a big discussion about Apple slowing down old iPhone models. The post blew up quickly, and Apple has recently admitted: they are deliberately slowing down the processor on the older phones. However, their claims are different from the widespread opinion. Instead of forcing you to buy a new […]

The post Apple admits what we all thought: old... more

Happy holidays again – it’s Christmas day in the west and the holidays are in full bloom. We just wanted to let you know what to expect here on dPS over the next few days.

The dPS team is taking a little down time so we can give our writers a break and time with their families too. So we’ll be taking a short break from our regular programming of two articles daily.

Coming up next – the best of dPS 2017

It’s that time again when I go through the... more

Shooting with a drone gives you an entirely new perspective and opens up plenty of new possibilities. Whether you use it for photography or video, using a drone requires some skill and planning if you want to make the best out of it. Stewart Carroll from Drone Film Guide shares a fantastic set of tips […]

The post Twenty tips for creating better looking drone footage... more

Photographer Jesse Watson has been following the SpaceX launches for quite some time. Fascinated by the footage he has seen, he wanted to make a video of his own, different from what he’sseen in the news. So, before the final SpaceX launch this year, he took his gear and created a timelapse that could easily […]

The post Watch a mesmerizing timelapse of SpaceX... more

Earlier this month, Calgary-based business The Camera Store was robbed for pricey Hasselblad X1D camera and three lenses, and a rare Leica MP Safari kit. Thanks to the fast reaction of the community and the police, the Hasselblad gear was returned to the store only 48 hours after the robbery. And now, just in time […]

The post Update: rare $13,000 Leica returned to The Camera... more

The Department of Homeland Security has recently listed an ad searching for a photographer. The position is open to the public, and theyre looking for a full-time employee. The salary ranges from $79,720 to $103,639 per year and includes government benefits. The jobis on the pay scale and grade G 12. As the ad reads, […]

The post Homeland Security hires full-... more
