Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The first two Dogwood Photography 52 Week Challenges were an amazing success, with tens of thousands of photographers participating from around the world. We enter the third year of the challenge with the Community Challenge! This challenge has been created by photographers who participated in past years challenges to push themselves, and you, even further […]

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How many times have you lost a lens cap? Its probably one of the most common items to lose, and KURVD is designed to protect your lenses and always be there. This universal, stretchy lens cap fits any lens, protects your lenses from moist and dirt, and unlike regular lens caps it doesnt fall […]

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Have you ever wondered how ultra slow motion videos get their sound recorded? They dont just record the real sound and slow it down along with the footage. In this video, Destin Sandlin from Smarter Every Day walks you through the process of recording sounds for slow-motion videos. Particularly, for a tomato exploding at 60,000 […]

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You already know how important it is to back up your files, and cloud storage should be a part of your backup system. If youre a student or alumni, Ive got great news for you: you can get unlimited Google Drive storage, for free. I know it sounds too good to be true, but its […]

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In a recent blog post, Google has introduced their new AI that can judge your photos based on both technical and aesthetic quality. According to Google researchers, the new network sees the photos almost like the humans would. With time, it could get even more accurate, and its application could affect image editing processes, judging […]

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It might’ve escaped your notice, but it’s Christmas. Yesterday was Christmas day, in fact, and lots of people received all kinds of shiny new photography and video related gifts powered by LiPo batteries. You might have even received one yourself, or already own one. Drones, portable strobes, speedlights and all kinds of creative gadgets are […]

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Arguably the best software for making high dynamic range photos is Macphun’s (soon to be Skylum) Aurora HDR 2018. This image editor can be used as by itself or in conjunction with their popular Luminar photo editor(as well as a plugin for Photoshop, Lightroom, Aperture, and Elements). Within Aurora HDR are tons of photo editing tools... more

One of the most common things I see today, especially from newer photographers is posting far too many images from a session online. We’ve all seen it, and probably all done it at some point. You go to a photographer’s page, look at their photos, and you see 50 images from one shoot, followed by […]

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As were making a recap of 2017, we can see what weve done right, how much weve learned, but also what our mistakes have been. All this makes us come up with plans and decisions for the next year which should help us improve and keep us focused on the goals. Every year around this […]

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For me, portraiture is one of the most inspiring genres of photography. I also find it pretty difficult to master, theres so much to learn but its what makes it so fun and appealing. In this video, photographer Jamie Windsor shares nine fantastic tips for giving a new dimension to your portraiture work. He […]

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