Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I have to admit, “What happens when you microwave a DSLR?” wasn’t a question that ever really entered my head. But when I heard of this video from Daytripper Photo, I had to know the answer. Even though I felt pretty sure I knew what the answer would be. It turned out that my guess […]

The post Yes, microwaving a DSLR causes it to melt into a horrible mess... more

Well, this might upset some Sony shooters, but it looks like Fuji are going to be getting the Godox XPro trigger next. It’s quite surprising as we were all led to believe that the Sony would be the first to arrive in the new year. Like the Nikon and Canon versions, the XPro will work […]

The post The Godox XPro trigger is coming to Fuji in January (sorry Sony... more

After testing a new Recommended for You feature, Instagram is now rolling it out globally. From now on, Instagrams algorithm will pick the posts you might like, and theyll be in your feed even though you dont follow these accounts. As Tech Crunch writes, this feature is similar to the Explore Feed feature on Facebook. […]

The post Instagram now shows you “... more

A few years ago, there was a story saying that taking too many selfies means you have a mental disorder named selfitis. It turned out to be a hoax, but now its actually confirmed obsessive selfie-taking is a mental disorder and an addictive behavior. The fake news inspired psychologist to actually research the phenomenon, […]

The post Taking too many... more

We all want to do something a little crazy for our social media at some point. Or, we at least contemplate it, even if we don’t follow through. Sometimes we’re just to afraid of how it may be perceived, and sometimes it’s just because we need a little help. In this case, it’s the latter, […]

The post True love is this husband’s... more

To use their own words, “Hell froze over”. Yes, that’s right, the open source raw processor Darktable has finally been ported over to Windows. And they intend to support it fully in the future. There are still a few features missing, like lack of printing support, and you need special drivers for tethering, but it’s […]

The post Open... more

Natural light is a valuable tool of every travel and documentary photographer. Most of us dont really like shooting in the harsh midday sun, but sometimes theres no other choice, especially when your time at a location is limited. In this video, photographer Mitchell Kanashkevich shares tips that will help you get the best of […]

The post Is there really bad... more

There’s generally two approaches to landscape photography. The first is to just turn up and just photograph what you see as you notice it. It’s a somewhat haphazard, but very therapeutic way of shooting landscapes. And while you’re happy if you come home with great shots, it’s the journey that’s most important. The other type […]

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Japanese app developer Kazuya Noshiro has recently introduced an app hes working on. It uses iPhone Xs face-tracking feature in the creepiest and the coolest way possible: it makes his face invisible. In a short video he shared, he shows off his see-through face and the room behind him. Its unsettling and amazing at the […]

The post This man used iPhone Xs face-tracking... more

This week on dPS we’re featuring some of the top articles in different categories that were published on the site over the last year, 2017. Yesterday was theBest Landscape Articles on dPS in 2017, and this one is all about the best portrait tips of the year.

Here are the top 18 portrait tip articles:

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