Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Although most of us probably won’t ever get the chance to photograph mountain hares in the snow, it’s an interesting concept. It’s the opposite of shooting somebody in a black suit on a black background. Although, the principles are pretty much the same. The only real differences are that out in the wilderness with hares, […]

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Terry Richardson, former fashion industry star photographer, is now the focus of a new investigation by NYPD’s Special Victims Squad, according to the New York Daily News. They say that multiple women confirmed on Tuesday that investigators have reached out to them over the past few weeks asking to talk about their interactions with Richardson. […]

The post Terry... more

There are plenty of ways to enhance colors in Photoshop. Nathaniel Dodson of Tutvid shares five tips that will help you make the colors more prominent, or in other words – make them “pop”. The tips are different and you can use them for various types of photos, no matter if you work on portraits, […]

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One of the best ways to rapidly improve your photography skills and broaden your photographic community is to attend a photography conference. But, if youve never been to a conference before, just the idea of going can be intimidating. The rewards are great though, so read on for five tips that will help you select the right photography conference for your needs plus get the absolute most out of it once you get there.

Tip #1: Know your goals

Before you plunk down your deposit, evaluate... more

Drone restrictions and regulations across the world often cite theoretical collisions with “real aircraft” as justification. Although it’s not so theoretical this time. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) have released a report detailing an incident involving a DJI Phatom4 and a US Army Black Hawk helicopter. Although it didn’t end in the destruction and […]

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British photographer Tim Flach traveled the world for almost two years and captured endangered animals in close, intimate portraits. His project titled Endangered took him across the globe for almost two years, and he photographed the animals that may soon disappear forever. Youve heard of some of them and have seen their photos, but most […]

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Motion control hardwareand even fully articulated robotic arms have drastically come down in price the last few years. To the point where they’re very affordable indeed. I even have one of my own on its way to me as I type this post. As a result, they’ve found their way into more and more video […]

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Here are four steps to rebooting your creativity and desire to do more photography with some 15-minute simple exercises.

Have you lost your photography mojo?

I get it, you’ve been at work all day, and it’s been stressful. Maybe there are kids to look after and dinner to cook as well. Perhaps a dog to take for a run or a family dinner to attend. There are all kinds of reasons why you don’t have the time or energy to pick up your camera and shoot.

When we... more

Google Pixel 2 is currently taking the first place on DxOs list of best-rated smartphone cameras. Its a single-lens camera, yet it offers the Portrait mode on both rear and front camera. This feature wasnt available on earlier phones from Google, but now you can get it even on some older devices. Developer Charles Chow […]

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The Eye AF in Sony bodies has been one of its most hailed features. Up until now, though, it’s been kind of hit & miss unless you’re actually using a Sony lens. Now, though, it seems that Sony have figured out what was causing issues with Eye AF on Canon glass. In this video, photographer […]

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