Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Instagram has been testing and rolling out a couple of new features lately. The latest change theyve made will not make you happy if you dont like your online status to show. Instagram now allows your followers to see when youre online and shows them the last time you were active. If youre uncomfortable with […]

The post Instagram now tells your followers when you were... more

You know how you think about things around the edges, trying to formulate the thoughts into some kind of pattern that makes sense and can be challenged and won from various angles? You do? Cool, then I’m not nuts. I do that all the time. Recently I have been thinking about what I see as […]

The post Impatient Patience…Keeping The Momentum While Learning the... more

With more photographers taking to video now, it’s good to be armed with a little information about the basics. It seems like there might not be much realdifference between photography and videography, especially as we often use the same kit for both. But there are some important techniques and principles that you need to take […]

The post 7 things photographers need to... more

National Geographic magazine has been with us for 130 years. Over this time, the design of the magazine has changed and evolved. To demonstrate this change, NatGeo has published a short video that shows this evolution in less than two minutes. As NatGeo writes, the look of their magazine has changed over the years but, […]

The post Watch the evolution of... more

Blue hour, especially the one in the evening (yes it happens before sunrise too!), is probably the most popular time of day to take cityscape photography with dazzling city lights illuminated. But exactly when is the prime time of blue hour that could result in you getting the best possible shots?

Singapore skyline at blue hour.

Hong Kong skyline at blue hour.

Blue Hour Photography Requires a Tripod

One note before we get... more

A few days ago, my boyfriend found some old 35mm negatives. I really wanted to see baby photos of him, so I was wondering: can I scan these films with just my DSLR and the stuff I had lying around? I’ve never done it before, neither with a proper scanner nor by improvising. So, I […]

The post How I “scanned” old negatives with $0 budget, a DSLR and stuff I had... more

The extent to which we retouch photos can sometimes end up in a huge misunderstanding. This is exactly what happened to an Ohio-based wedding photographer. She photographed a couple and made them noticeably thinner in Photoshop. This caused the bride to accuse the photographer of fat-shaming. But its not all: the photographer had her side […]

The post ... more

I love DIY props and big scenes in photography that are well designed. Not many of us photographers have the place or money to create our own stages so I wanted to challenge myself to make one in our living room with a very low budget. I had this idea of a photo with an […]

The post I created this low-budget set with DIY props for less than $75 appeared first on... more

After Apple admitted theyve been slowing down old iPhones, it made many users furious. Now the companys doing what they probably should have done much earlier theyre making the power management feature optional. Apples mistake from the beginning was that they didnt inform the users when they started using the power management feature. It […]

The post Apple now lets you choose... more

I’m a bit of a post-processing shortcut addict. I’m always looking for more efficient ways of getting through my workflow in programs like Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, ON1 Photo RAW, etc. When I find a new shortcut, even if requires a bit of practice, I feel like I just leveled up. It’s weird, I know, but it’s true.

Four Photoshop Shortcuts in Six Minutes

I’ve been using Photoshop on a near daily basis for the better part of a decade now. Over the... more
