Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Editor’s Note: This is part a series on macro photography this week. Look for a new one each day. The next newsletter (link is external) will have them all if you miss any!

As photographers, we often have the opinion that in order to capture a great image we need to head out to an exotic location. But, what if you don’t have the time or opportunity to go to one of those... more (link is external)

Up until recently, a 320 gigapixel photo of London as the subject of the world’s largest panoramic photo. It was taken from the BT Tower, not too long ago in 2013. But, the title has now been claimed by Mont Blanc–the highest mountain in Europe– and was taken by Italian photographer, Filippo Blengini, and his [...]

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It’s no secret that the photography market is no longer the exclusive realm of professionals. This is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you’re the client, but with so many “professional” photographers out there these days it’s not hard finding a dud. Be it your next door neighbor who just bought a DSLR, his [...]

The post Touching Ad Brilliantly Explains... (link is external)more (link is external)

The decision to go pro with your photography business is a big step. It’s a time when the future is ripe with possibility and fears tend to run high. In what we call a “crisis of confidence,” you may find yourself comparing your work to other photographers and wondering, “am I really good enough?” or “will people give me a chance?”

When you begin experiencing these thoughts, take a deep breath and remember this; almost everyone feels this way before they begin a new journey –... more (link is external)

Here’s a super quick and relatively uncomplicated DIY build for those of you who are in need of a camera counter balance (think Steadicam) on the cheap. Using a few pieces of pipe and some basic fittings, you can make yourself a DIY version with just a little bit of elbow grease. The team over at [...]

The post Quick & Easy DIY Counter Balance For Steadier Video (link is external)... more (link is external)

Editor’s Note: This is part a series on macro photography this week. Look for a new one each day. The next newsletter (link is external) will have them all if you miss any!

Lines and light can emphasize your subject

Macro photography truly is a unique genre of photography. In most of the other types of photography (landscape, portrait,... more (link is external)

Selfies have become enormously popular in recent years and are everywhere these days. Wherever there’s a beach, a famous landmark, a rainbow or even just oxygen, you’re likely to see someone taking a selfie. Even elephants are doing it now! Two major problems have emerged hand-in-hand with the often duck-faced photos. The first is that [...]

The post A Fatal Month for... (link is external)more (link is external)

Have you ever been guilty of living up to the cliché of being a filmmaker? This long short by IFTH lists the 32 rules of becoming a filmmaker. The name is a bit misleading though, I would consider renaming it The 32 Most Annoying Clichés About Filmmakers. Sadly I am probably guilty on all 32. [...]

The post Humorous Movie Shows How To Be A Filmmaker In 32 Steps (link is external) appeared... more (link is external)

If you feel that magazines show beauty standard that is hard to match up to, you are probably right, aside the massive photoshopping that sometimes goes into the image creation process, the models are being aided by flattering lighting and calculated poses. Both of which have tremendous impact on the look of the human body. Photographer Gracie [...]

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Understanding the science behind JPEG compression might not be on everyone’s agenda. In fact, it probably sounds incredibly boring, if not complicated to a lot of folks. But, in this 12-minute long clip, image analyst Mike Pound guides you through the entire process as he explains the magic of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)–using language that’s easy to [...]

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