Photography Blogs & Tutorials

For the past couple of months, theres been a thought in the back of my head: I should leave Flickr and move somewhere else. The platform is changing and not in the direction I like. I have, then, become more active on the other photo sharing websites I use and I created accounts on a […]

The post Why I am still using Flickr and struggling to leave it appeared first on... more

Incorporating translucent elements into your compositions can add an interesting dynamic of luminosity to your photographs. Especially if you can backlight them.

Water spray, smoke, steam, and things such as flags, flowers, and fabric when backlit can take on an almost surreal quality because of the way the light refracts as it passes through these types of semi-transparent elements. In this article, I want to share with you some ideas and examples of how to make the most of... more

There have been a lot of positive. useful and sometimes amusing stories about various image AI & machine learning systems over the past couple of years. There have also been some that are either quite creepy or simply the stuff of nightmares. Whatever you use image recognition AI for, though, it seems it can be […]

The post MIT Tricks Google’s Vision AI into... more

Quite a few folks seem to have been considering the switch from Apple to Microsoft ever since the whole MacBook Pro dongle thing. Not everybody, though. Some chose to stick with Apple and either just dealt with the dongles or buy Type-C USB cables for their accessories. It seems, though, that the idea of switching […]

The post Is it time to switch to Windows for video... more

Most of the creatives have those ideas that keep stuck in their head and just wont go away. Some of them are pretty crazy, they sound cool, but you dont know if they would actually work. Filmmaker Max Joseph had an idea like this, and he shares how he turned it into a finished project […]

The post Filmmaker shows a journey from “impossible”... more

Still life is a particular style of photography that slowly lured me into its clutches. The gateway drug was, of course, food photography, and before I knew it, my weekends were spent combing secondhand shops for props and buying up linen in all different shades.

The popularity of Instagram has given rise to images of every different kind of food, drink, dessert, cake, and cocktail. You name... more

Were nearly at the end of our popular Christmas sale and were really excited to offer you today’s deal, because we love helping people discover how to take great photos.

Were offering our entire range of online photography courses at a massive 62% OFF.

These courses are normally $99, but today you can get any of our five courses for just $37 (USD) each. Thats incredible value!

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In 2015, director Sean Baker and his crew created feature-length movie Tangerine. You may remember the movie, but also the story behind its creation, as it was filmed entirely with three iPhones. Now one of these iPhones is finding its way to the Academy Museumwhich opens in 2019, and it will honor the art and […]

The post iPhone used to shoot the movie “... more

Earlier this week, Calgary-based business The Camera Store was robbed and $35,000 worth of Leica and Hasselblad gear was stolen from their store. Only 48 hours after thieves leaving the store, Calgary police caught two suspects and took them into custody. Hasselblad gear was returned to The Camera Store, but there is still no clue […]

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Establishing shots are important when you are telling a story, they set the scene and often the mood for the viewers. We recently added theMavic Proto our arsenal, and the number of story-telling tools you get from just $1,000 (or $899 in current promotion) is staggering. Here are three establishing shots that you can do […]

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