Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Since its launch, the Hasselblad X1D lens variety hasn’t been huge. It was initiallyannounced along with the30mm f/3.5, 45mm f/3.5, and 90mm f/3.2. Since then, four new lenses have been announced, but only one has shown up so far. The120mm f/3.5 Macro. Aside from that, your only option is an adapter to use theH lenses […]

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This is an amazing 15 minute mini-documentary highlights the life of internationally acclaimed sports photographer, David Katz. Specifically, it highlights the fact that he’s been legally blind since birth, being diagnosed at only three months old with ocular albinism. It’s a genetic condition characterised by a lack of pigmentation in the iris. David managed to […]

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We recently reported about Facebooks captcha that requires your selfie if your account gets locked. Yesterday they announced a couple of new features, again focusing on the photos of your face. The new tools rely on facial recognition, and according to Facebook, they will help people better manage their identity on this social network. In […]

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Ive heard it. Youve heard it. And its a great big steaming pile ofbaloney.

Myth – Professionals Only Shoot in Manual Mode

I recently read an account of a new photographer who heard that expert photographers only shoot in manual mode, so he headed out to shoot. Camera firmly set to M, he shot away, happy as could be. However, the results from that first exploration were, needless to say, disappointing; overexposures, under-exposures, and a lot of crappy, blurred photos.

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In November this year, an SJCAM HD 1080Paction camera washed up on the shores of Sderoog, a tiny island off the coast of Germany. A man picked it up, and after a long online search, the camera was reunited with the owner. What makes this story especially interesting is that the camera filmed its own […]

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Frustrated by numerous photo shoots in their neighborhood, the residents of Broadacres in Houston posted the signs prohibiting photography. It caused a public outcry on social networks, calling out on Broadacres Homeowners Association for such a drastic move. But, the city of Houston has now confirmed that this popular location is in the public right-of-way. […]

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The 50mm lens, often called the “nifty fifty”, is a popular lens. The f/1.8 version for Nikon, Canon and many other brands is very inexpensive and has been a staple of photographers for decades. Personally, I think it should be the first lens a new camera owner buys after they get frustrated with their kit […]

The post 7 reasons why a 50mm lens needs to be part of your kit... more

Earlier this year, New Carlisle News photographer Andy Grimm was shot because of his camera. Clark County deputy Jake Shaw confused Grimms camera and tripod for a gun and reportedly shot him without warning. The photographer has now decided to file a lawsuit against Shaw, seeking over $75,000 in damages. The shooting happened when Grimm […]

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You’ve got a perfect macro subject, the perfect angle, and the perfect composition. You’ve checked your focus, and it’s spot on. Your finger hovers over the shutter button. One quick press, and you’ll have the shot. It’s all there before you…right?

Maybe not. There’s one more thing that I’d urge you to check before you shoot – and that is the background.

See, while subject, lighting, and setup matter a great deal in... more

Finding somewhere truly dark for astrophotography becomes more and more difficult with each passing day. Light pollution always seems to be increasing. Towns and cities are ever expanding, getting larger and brighter. And many astrophotographers guard the secrets of their favourite spots to shoot. For those just getting into it, finding somewhere dark can be […]

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