Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Artists are funny creatures and many of us struggle with creativity. Working out what we want to do, how to stand apart from others. What is really needed is to find your muse, or in other words, finding inspiration.

It is a rare artist that doesnt need inspiration to work. For the rest of us, we need help and we need to find what will inspire us to create our work.

One of my very first responses to the environment, the idea of cities becoming unlivable... more

I must admit, Ive had a fair share of activities in my life that turned out to be just a phase. When I look back, all of them involved something creative, but I ditched each of them after a few years tops. But theres one thing thats been around for almost a decade now, and […]

The post After many creative hobbies, why has photography been the only... more

I uploaded a clutch of photos to Flickr on Sunday evening and as I hit the big pink button it occurred to me that using Flickr furnishes me with some seriously retro credentials. While Flickr used to be the place to hang out around 2008, its growth has stalled and the consensus is that Flickr […]

The post Flickr is on its way out, what are your alternatives? appeared first on... more

Expressing the passing of time using photography as a medium has fascinated me ever since I became interested in using a camera to make art. A single photograph is usually made in a fraction of a second and we have learned to perceive photographs this way. If we make photographs with a long exposure and […]

The post Making a fractured dimensions photo appeared first on... more

Sometimes, photos tell incredible stories you find hard to believe. A Radio Free Europe photographer Amos Chapple tells a story thats exactly like this. He traveled with men who illegally mine for tusks of the long-extinct woolly mammoth. In Siberia, a vast and isolated region of Russia, these men go on real treasure hunts. Between […]

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For some summery images of fountains head over here first.

By Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland

Weekly Photography Challenge – Fountains

Head to the park or nearest playground or water park and find a fountain you can photograph this week for the challenge – fountains.... more

Its been reported before that Verizon was about to acquire Yahoo. Now its officially done Verizon is a new owner of Yahoo, along with Flickr, their (once) popular photo sharing platform. Verizon has acquired Yahoo for $4.48 billion, and they plan to combine it with AOL and create a new service called Oath. As […]

The post Its official: Verizon now owns Yahoo and Flickr appeared... more

When it comes to shooting portraits, there are plenty of tricks you can pull off to make someones flaws less visible. Koldunov Brothers have created a video with tips for photographing someone with a double chin and making this bodily feature less prominent. You dont need Photoshop or makeup, only a couple of lighting, posing […]

The post How to photograph a person with double chin... more

I’m relying on Google Translate for this one, but it appears that North Korea are equipping their drones with Sony SLT cameras. Or, at least, one particular drone which recently crash landed in South Korea, according to a report from Naver. Judging from photos, it seems similar to a drone that was discovered in Baekryeong […]

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Summertime is a great season for cooling off. Nothing is as fun as a run through the local park fountain or your backyard sprinkler.

But have you considered that might make good photo ops? These photographers did!

By Aaron Hawkins

By Theophilos Papadopoulos

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