Photography Blogs & Tutorials

When people ask me if I have a favorite subject to photograph, they are often surprised by my response. See, I really enjoy photographing abstract urban environments, and most of all, I love photographing concrete.Yep, that’s right! Plain old concrete.

As the most common urban material, concrete shapes buildings, lines pathways, forms pipes, columns, bridges, and driveways. Anywhere you look you’ll see concrete, it’s as endless in variety as the reasons I love... more

The battle between those who support photo manipulation and those who dont is probably never-ending. I believe both are right, and I think photo-manipulation is an art for itself. But Slovak photographer Michal Zahornacky brings these two worlds together in a way. He creates dreamy, surrealistic photos – but free from digital manipulation. Michal says […]

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Collections are one of Lightroom’s most powerful features, giving you a way to bring images from many folders together. Generally speaking, they’re just like boxes you sort your physical stuff into. Nothing goes in unless you put it there, and nothing comes out unless you take it out. What if I told you there was another far more powerful type of collection that can sift through all your photo information and build a collection automatically based on a subset of that information... more

There are plenty of misconceptions about the number of pixels, resolution, image size and so on, which can make us quite confused sometimes. To make things worse, the terms DPI (dots per inch) and PPI (pixels per inch) are often used interchangeably, which makes the understanding even more difficult. Essentially, DPI is important for printers. […]

The post Does size matter?... more

Many things have troubled me this past year. Global warming, war, consumerism, my beard that seems to grow ginger past a certain length…..but right above those, at the top of the list is Adobes new Select and Mask feature. Why? Because it just doesn’t work! No matter how many times I try, how many sliders […]

The post Change Select and Mask back to Refine Edge in CC... more

If you’re a creative professional, chances are you have a number of hard skills that should make it ridiculously easy for you to make money online. But there’s a catch…it is very difficult to make enough money for long enough to truly earn a living based solely on online revenue sources. In this article, I […]

The post It’s Easy To Make Money Online –... more

As the first photography challenge of 2017, I thought it would be fitting if we go with a theme for new beginnings. Like these 19 images show – there are many ways to interpret that theme.

By Francisca Ulloa

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When you need to select the best images to edit and send to the client, it can be quite a boring task. When you get home from a photo shoot and have hundreds of images to choose from, it really takes up a lot of your time. This is when Lightroom’s Survey Mode comes to […]

The post Quick tip: How Lightroom Survey Mode helps you choose your best images in a... more

Every time the Dallas Cowboys score a touchdown, intercept, win, lose, tie, you need to get a shotof Jerry Jones. And it’s cameraman Dale’s job to cover that angle.“Filming Jerry Jones for three hours is… rough”, says Dale, “I know him so well”. As you would, if you’ve got your camera pointed at him for […]

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Fujifilm seem to begoing all out on the GFX hype, presenting us with a slew of videos.The first started in September with the initial announcement. We saw a few more new ones last week showing off its capabilities, and now they’ve released seven more. This time around, there seems to be a bit more of […]

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