Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Happy holidays again – it’s Christmas day in the west and the holidays are in full bloom. We just wanted to let you know what to expect here on dPS over the next few days.

The dPS team is taking a little down time so we can give our writers a break and time with their families too. So we’ll be taking a short break from our regular programming of two articles daily.

Coming up next – the best of dPS 2017

It’s that time again when I go through the... more

Shooting with a drone gives you an entirely new perspective and opens up plenty of new possibilities. Whether you use it for photography or video, using a drone requires some skill and planning if you want to make the best out of it. Stewart Carroll from Drone Film Guide shares a fantastic set of tips […]

The post Twenty tips for creating better looking drone footage... more

Photographer Jesse Watson has been following the SpaceX launches for quite some time. Fascinated by the footage he has seen, he wanted to make a video of his own, different from what he’sseen in the news. So, before the final SpaceX launch this year, he took his gear and created a timelapse that could easily […]

The post Watch a mesmerizing timelapse of SpaceX... more

Earlier this month, Calgary-based business The Camera Store was robbed for pricey Hasselblad X1D camera and three lenses, and a rare Leica MP Safari kit. Thanks to the fast reaction of the community and the police, the Hasselblad gear was returned to the store only 48 hours after the robbery. And now, just in time […]

The post Update: rare $13,000 Leica returned to The Camera... more

The Department of Homeland Security has recently listed an ad searching for a photographer. The position is open to the public, and theyre looking for a full-time employee. The salary ranges from $79,720 to $103,639 per year and includes government benefits. The jobis on the pay scale and grade G 12. As the ad reads, […]

The post Homeland Security hires full-... more

After a while of shooting with the DJI Mavic Pro, I notice something weird, my footage was off. Whatever I did I could not get a clean sliding shot. Looking deep I realized many of my shots were a bit crooked. Turns out my gimbal was not calibrated. When you are taking photos or footage […]

The post How to fix the DJI Mavic Pro Tilted Horizon problem appeared first on... more

Happy holidays from the team at dPS! It’s Christmas day already in Australia where most of the management team is based, and we’d like to wish you the happiest of days from all of us.

Thank you for being a regular reader and fan of dPS and for helping to provide photography articles and tutorials for you and other photography enthusiasts. However you and your loved ones celebrate this holiday season, we hope you have a good one.


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If you’ve seen Inception, you’ll probably recognize the movie’s signature “bending” cityscapes. Of course, those cityscapes required quite a bit of computationalpower to render. But what if there was a place on earth that actually bends like the streets in the movie? Welcome to Seoul Toll Gate, a place where your dreams prevailand physics perish. […]

The post... more

Choosing prime or zoom lenses is mainly a matter of preference. And what to choose when youre shooting portraits? Many photographers would rather reach for primes, but modern zoom lenses can also give you sharp, high-quality images. In this video, Manny Ortiz discusses his choice when it comes to the lens for portrait photography. He […]

The post Using primes or zooms for portraits?... more

Whenever I do an event that promotes my pet photography, there are always one or two potential clients that havereservations about booking due to their beloved furry family members unruly behavior. Whether it be a hyperactive puppy that does not yet know how to sit still or a feline that runs the roost, some owners believe their pets to be impossible to photograph!

But you see, this perspective comes from someone who lives with their critters. Those who specialize in pet... more
