Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In this season opener, Pete has a tip on working in the new Adobe PS CC 2015 update and shows us how to use multiple gradients and drop shadows. Corey has a trick on using radial graphics.

This Week's Sponsors:

Wacom |... more

This location was discovered by walking BEYOND the main public area and exploring nearby dirt paths.

Theres nothing quite like the rush of finding a nook, a cranny, a wall, a corner, or a building that looks amazing in photos but has not been fully discovered by others just yet. Ask any photographer about unique locations, and most likely they will cringe a bit at the thought of giving up their secret spots. How, then, do you find new locations for yourself? Its... more

Deal #2 in our massive Mid Year Sale has just gone live – and its a goodie!

Today only you get 60% off Photography Concentrates Incredibly Important Composition Skills.

For the next 24 hours and only $19.98 (an exclusive dPS price), youll get:

  • A comprehensive 225-page ebook — filled with everything you... more

4 years ago Jason D. Page set out to create a Light Painting series called ElectricUniverse. Theidea was to shoot lightning storms and then Light Paint stars and planets into the image creating a lightning filled universe all on onesingle frame of film. As the project progressed Jason’sidea for a whole seriesquickly turned into a [...]

The post... more

As a kid, I always loved receiving mail. It was exciting and made onelittle narcissist-in-training feel important. As an adult, I loath mail. What isn’t junk mail is bills, and I would be perfectly content to do without. However, one piece of mail that Portland, Oregon photographer Jeff Kunkle was not expecting was a bill [...]

The post Portland... more

More specs and photos have leaked and the official release seems imminent. Adding on to the previously reported specs, we now know the weight, price and minimum focusing distance for Nikons beasty lenses. The good news is that both lens enjoy a 20-25% decrease in weight and can now focus 10% closer. The bad news [...]

The post Nikons New 500mm... more

Packed with people, bright lights and fast-moving rides, fairgrounds can provide photographers with loads of opportunities to take some colourful and creative images. So, why not grab your camera, head to your nearest fair and try out some of the following ideas for yourself.

When to visit

Fairgrounds can be fun to take pictures of, whether you go in the daytime, or at night. However, with their bright lights, they really come alive once the sun has gone down. My preferred time... more

I’ve always had a bit of a love/hatething with felines. I believe most of it probably boils down to there only be enough space for one narcissist in the room at a time. But, it’s hard to fault the actions of the young, whether they be human or not, which was probably the thought by [...]

The post Humor: Cat Wanted To Join the Action, Sits on Photographer’s Head... more

Some people have no sense. Or too much courage. Or something. A video posted by the Singapore Reckless Drivers Community (apparently it’s a real problem over there) shows a photographer hanginghis body halfway out a car window while going down the highway. According to SRDC, the guy is a wedding photographer and was attempting to [...]

The post Wedding Photographer Risks Life... more

In a movereversing a 40-year ban that I didn’t even know existed, the White House has lifted its photography restrictions. For more than four decades, visitors to the White House have not been allowed to take photos during tours. With this new decision, you will be allowed to document your visit,selfie all over the place, [...]

The post White House Lifts Ban on Photography, But... more
