Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The iPhone has come a long way since the first generation release in 2007. With more advanced sensors and optics and powerful apps, we have seen a huge uptick in quality work coming from the little devices over the last several years. Now, a feature film shot entirely on the iPhone 5S will be hitting [...]

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Have you been noticing little aches and pains lately, especially around your arms and back? If you do a decent amount of photography, your camera may be the culprit. While photography is largely seen as a hobby or art form, make no mistake about the fact that lugging gear around can be serious physical activity, especially as you accumulate more gear over time.

Consider this: a Canon 5D Mark III body only weighs 1.9 lbs (860 grams), and a Canon 70-200 f/2.8 telephoto lens weighs 3.28... more

Being robbed is like a punch to the stomach. Seeing someone making money with your stolen possessions and not being able to do anything about it is just a swift kick to the gonads. That’s exactly what Australian photographerJon Grundy experienced when daredevil photographerBryce Wilson broke into Grundy’s home and stole $15k worth of gear. [...]

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On Photoshop User TV this week, Corey has a tip on making 2d text look 3d with wide angle text. Pete has a tip on being creative with multiple strokes.

This Week's Sponsors:

Wacom | mpix | B&H Photo | Kelby Training |... more

Why do black and white photographs speak to us? In nature, colors are meant to attract, and cause things to catch our attention. Still, even without color, black and white images are a mainstay of our craft, and are powerful representations of the artistic spirit.

There are many differing opinions when it comes to black and white photography. Some photographers love it, and shoot black and white exclusively, while other photographers absolutely shun the notion and shoot only in... more

If you don’t like the Adobe licensing model, or if you are just craving for an alternative, Affinity Photo just went live today. Affinity photo is a complete photo editing software similar to photoshop in features but redesigned completely. If you recall, we took Affinity Photofor a test drive and while the overall impressions were [...]

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By now we should all know that taking someone’s photo and uploading it to social media is not cool (and not legal either). But what happens when you retweet or pin or share a photo that someone else stole? An interesting case now presented to the courts of California may change how easily you retweet [...]

The post Retweeters Of A Copyrighted Photo Just got Sued appeared... more

[Editor’s note: we recently covered the announcement of this lens and shared a hands on review, but this one provides a more in-depth look at it. Many of you will remember Nicky from his spectacular UV macros of arthropods] Venus Optics sent me an early pre-production copy of the Venus Optics LAOWA 15mm f/4 1:1 [...]

The post Nicky Bay’s Review of the... more

The Day Before An Outdoor Session Let me check the weather report Uh-oh. The weather guy said chance of rain and wind tomorrow Im not going to panic He said, chance of rain and wind This means there is a chance there might NOT be rain and wind I mean, really, how often are they [...]

The post Inside a Photographers Brain Prior to an Outdoor Session (aka: Anxiety... more

Science and photography are inseparably linked, but it’s always interesting to see photography used to further explore the realms of science. Dutch photographerMaurice Mikkerswas curious to explore the composition of tears. Tears are like snowflakes, with eachbearing chemical similarities to another yet being uniquely different, often based on the type of tear produced. So, what [...]

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