Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Several times in the past few months people have asked me how to get into photography without spending a lot of money. I must admit the idea of emptying your wallet to getall the camera bodies, lenses, flashes, tripods, and other gear you need to do some serious photography can seem quite daunting, it certainly was for me when I first got bitten by the photography bug.

The good news is you don... more

A little about me, First, Im a wedding photographer based in Melbourne, Australia. Second, Im a HUGE fan of large aperture lenses. I shoot every lens almost 100% of the time at the maximum aperture possible. At any given wedding, over 90% of my photos are taken with 35mm F1.4, 85mm F1.2, and 200mm F2.0, [...]

The post Using Sony A7II + Mitakon 50mm F0.95 For Wedding... more

Digital photography has changed the way people take photos, and how many are taking them. Anyone with a camera can be a photographer these days, and many of those want to be professional photographers or artists, though they can be the both. All over the internet there is a rise of those who are calling themselves Fine Art Photographers; so maybe it is time to look into what they are and how they are different to the usual photographers.

Below is what I consider to be one of my fine... more

This is a fun twist on portraiture that can often tell a bit more of a story about your subject, by allowing them to reveal two or more sides to their personality. It’s an old photography trick used in the days of the darkroom, and now with modern technology can be done in minutes with a few simple steps in Photoshop.

First you are going to need two or more photographs of your subject, so find yourself a victim to experiment on, or try a self portrait. The main trick to... more

It’s been a very long while since we shared a good pinhole camera tutorial andOndrej Revicky just made it better by sharing the pattern and instructions for building a character-full pinhole camera calledTEFAU. Tefau is 100% made of paper that you can make by downloadingthis PDF and printing it on somewhat heavy paper. Ondrej explains [...]

The post TEFAU Is a Free... more

I’ve been making different product photography tutorials for awhile now and I still regularly go back to a previous postsbecause I am still using the same techniques. I wanted to make a single point of contact for functional tips on improving your product photography. LIGHTING One of the single most important factorsin product photography is [...]

The post 7 Functional Tips for... more

This photo is 100% flash, 0% ambient. But it almost looks like the reverse. And for this portrait of soprano Robin Steitz, a timeless available-light look was what we were going for.

But when you are working with flash (a single speedlight) and controlling your light (a scrounged "fill blanket" from the couch) you can keep the best of both worlds... more

Its true, we all make mistakes, thats what makes us human, right? Well yes, but there are some mistakes that can, and should be avoided, when it comes to photography. In this article we will be talking about automotive photography in specific. You could be shooting cars for years but if you dont fix your mistakes, how do you expect to get some great shots?

These are the 5 biggest mistakes that car photographers make when first starting out. Dont worry, I will tell you how to fix those... more

Retouching of images has become a widely-debated topic in recent years, especially in the context of advertising. But even traditional family photographers run into this issue at times. Some clients want to be made to look like supermodels, others prefer a more accurate representation, andsometimes photographers are left wondering which case a particular shoot may [...]

The post... more

We’re always seeing new and creative ways that parents are using to inform friends and loved ones of a new addition to the family. But, I don’t think anyone does it quite like Dirk Dallas. Dirk, a photographer and drone enthusiast with a flair for the dramatic (in only the best sense of the term), [...]

The post Photographer Crafts the Best Birth... more
