Photography Blogs & Tutorials

So many things can go wrong when you’re working on a set, especially when there are more people involved; the make-up artist can call in sick, your assistant might oversleep and there’s a risk the stylist might get lost on the way to your studio, just to name a few. I’ve heard of all these, [...]

The post Police Capture Fugitive Turned Model by Setting Up a Fake... more

Last week, Photography Is Not A Crime published an article about a Shreveport, Louisiana videographer who was detained by authorities for flying a drone over a local VA hospital while on assignment for a local newspaper. This brought screams of “tyrants” and “carry a gun” from Internet commenters, as most logical people in today’s screwed-up [...]

The post... more

Mary Ellen Mark, a legend among photographers, sadly passed away on May 25th, 2015 at the age of 75. A representative from her offices has confirmed her passing in an official statement sent to members of the press, which remembers the artist by noting, “Mary Ellen touched so many people throughout the world. We all celebrate [...]

The post In Memoriam... more

Editor’s Note: This is the first article in a series on macro photography this week. Look for a new one each day for the next 7 days. The next newsletter will have them all if you miss any! 

In the world of macro photography, most of discussions seem to surround the technical aspects of this photographic art form. Amongst my colleagues, lens choice... more

You may not be aware of the term electrophotography, but you’ve most likely used it. Its other name, xerography, might give you a better idea of what it does. Using the same technology as Xerox machines (or most photocopier machines for that matter), but for a different purpose, artists such as photographer Tom Carpenter are [...]

The post Electrophotography Uses Xerox... more

For those alive (or with family alive) during the days of film cameras, you have probably encountered the phenomenon of film slides (considered by some to be the precursor to PowerPoint, but Bill Gates refused to comment on where he originally came up with the idea). The problem with them, however, is moving them over [...]

The post Quickly digitize the Dark... more

Asher Svidensky travelled to south China to photograph the Yin-Bou fishermen. Famous for using cormorants birds to fish, and located in a gorgeous setting, the fishermen are quite the attraction for any photographger. After capturing the “right” and “pretty” images in the same location as every other photographer who goes there, Asher asked to move [...]

The post How Breaking the Ice Can Lead to Incredible Photos... more

There’s a segment of readers (yes, those of you who have life and your career all figured out) who will dismiss this as drivel. This is for the more humble among you… In a recent blog post, marketing guru Seth Godin asked a series of simple, yet poignant, questions: Is it meeting your needs… Or [...]

The post Is photography meeting your needs? — A reflection on what’s... more

Editor’s Note: This is part a series on macro photography this week. Look for a new one each day. The next newsletter will have them all if you miss any!

As photographers, we often have the opinion that in order to capture a great image we need to head out to an exotic location. But, what if you don’t have the time or opportunity to go to one of those... more

Up until recently, a 320 gigapixel photo of London as the subject of the world’s largest panoramic photo. It was taken from the BT Tower, not too long ago in 2013. But, the title has now been claimed by Mont Blanc–the highest mountain in Europe– and was taken by Italian photographer, Filippo Blengini, and his [...]

The post Move... more
