Photography Blogs & Tutorials

When it comes to shooting portraits, there are plenty of tricks you can pull off to make someones flaws less visible. Koldunov Brothers have created a video with tips for photographing someone with a double chin and making this bodily feature less prominent. You dont need Photoshop or makeup, only a couple of lighting, posing […]

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I’m relying on Google Translate for this one, but it appears that North Korea are equipping their drones with Sony SLT cameras. Or, at least, one particular drone which recently crash landed in South Korea, according to a report from Naver. Judging from photos, it seems similar to a drone that was discovered in Baekryeong […]

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Summertime is a great season for cooling off. Nothing is as fun as a run through the local park fountain or your backyard sprinkler.

But have you considered that might make good photo ops? These photographers did!

By Aaron Hawkins

By Theophilos Papadopoulos

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The tilt-shift effect has become quite common in regular ground based timelapse sequences. So much so, that we’re a little sick of seeing it. Not because we don’t like the effect, just that so many people do it quite badly. The same is true with drone tilt shift videos. I’ve seen a handful of really […]

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A motorised gimbal is one of the most useful tools you can get today for camera stabilisation. They’remuch easier to get to grips with than a steadicam style stabiliser, and their prices have come down dramatically in the last year or so.For mobile phones, action cameras, DSLRs or even big RED setups, they areabsolutely invaluable. […]

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It’s been a while now since Nikon’s 100th anniversary products were teased in February. But now, Nikon have finally announced pricing for all of the 100th anniversary equipment. Anniversary and other limited edition kit is often seen as quite collectable. As a result,much of it is simply purchased and put in a display cabinet, never […]

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A couple of months ago, Sigma announced two new prime lenses: 135mm F/1.8 DG HSM Art and Sigma 14mm f/1.8 DG HSM Art lens. After the 135mm, the 14mm is now only days away from preorders. Starting from June 22, 2017, youll be able to preorder this lens for Canon EF, Nikon F and Sigma […]

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One thing I’ve learned as I’ve started to do more video stuff is that there’s no such thing as too much b-roll. B-roll is essentially the visual content that plays while you’re hearing something else. Creating it requires as much thought as your main shot. It needs to progress the story, or illustrate something being […]

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The soul of an image is not always visible in what the viewer sees, but lives in what the photographer experienced.Uneducated eyes are often all too quick to criticize a black and white image by Henri Cartier-Bresson, without taking into account what he had to create with, and the cutting edge that his work represented […]

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Instagram’s been trying hardlately to clean up its act. It’s shut down several popular botting services. The so-called Instagram pods also seem to have been sort-of thwarted. And, for better or worse, they’re constantly tweaking their algorithm to help us see better content. They also took steps to help prevent misrepresented paid content on the […]

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