Photography Blogs & Tutorials

What if you could predict beautiful sunset or sunrise colors? The colors we dream of when the word sunset crosses our mind; deep oranges, pinks, reds and streams of yellow, often against a deep blue sky.

Skyfire attempts to do just that for you, in app-form of course. Skyfire is a subscription product from the makers of The Photographers Ephemeris (TPE) that uses a host of data to help predict the... more

If you are reading this blog, you know that we are big fan of keyboard short cuts, but for some programs, working with a mouse is unavoidable. I was talking with an editor friend, Ariel Hadar from Kaveret, and he showed me quite an awesome was to utilize a gaming mouse and keyboard to get [...]

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In modern DSLRs they all have a light meter built-in to the camera. But sometimes you want a more accurate reading, or to measure the amount of light when using flash (your camera can’t do that), in which caseyou would turn to a handheld light meter.

Check out this video from Adorama TV (host Daniel Norton) for some light meter basics.

This second video is more advanced. Once again from Adorama TV, with host Mark Wallace, this one covers how to meter for light ratios... more

If you wanted to raise hell on a photography forum just pop that question in there and see what happens. And the reason this question will make a forum explode is because it touches something very deep. I mean, you can draw as much as you want and you would not call yourself a painter, [...]

The post Everyone Is Taking Photos Now, What Makes Someone ‘A... more

In order to understand curves we need to understand color in the way that Photoshop does. This is calledAdditive color theory EVERYTHING in an image is made of 3 colors – RED – GREEN – BLUE The interaction between any two primaries colors, create secondary colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow The center creates pure white: 255 [...]

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Football (called soccer in some parts of the world) can be a very challenging sport to photograph. The ball is constantly moving quickly around the pitch, which may make it somewhat of a challenge to capture the action if you dont have the right knowledge on how to do so. This simple guide will point you in the right direction to get more success at your next football match.

Players contest the ball. Daniel Smith / Getty Images.

First, lets start off with... more

When youre new to Lightroom, some features of the program arent immediately apparent, or easily discoverable. In this article Ill introduce you to five Lightroom Develop module secrets that will help you get more out of photo editing in Lightroom.

#1 Smarter Virtual Copies

Often when youre working in Lightroom youll edit an image to look one way, and then decide youd like to try to edit it in a different way without losing your work. The trouble is, that once an image has been... more

Almost a year ago to date, Sports Illustrated cut all staff photographers from its payroll, opting instead to rely on freelancers for imagesa move that naturally came with plenty of criticism. Since then things have been mostly silent on the employment front, but the Time Inc. franchise is back at it again. New reports say [...]

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The latest Star Wars movie and Quentin Tarantinos The Hateful Eight played a major role in the recent comeback of 70mm film and its gorgeous qualities. Photographer Andrew Walker was a projectionist on the 70mm roadshow for the latter and created this time lapse of the celluloid film being projected, showing the behind-the-scenes experience is [...]

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The debate over which system is better, DSLR or mirrorless, is on its way to becoming as heated as Canon vs Nikon. As mirrorless systems improve and catch up to DSLR cameras, or in some aspects outdo them, the decision which to get isnt as easy as it used to be. One of the main [...]

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