Photography Blogs & Tutorials

A lot of new photographers getting into portraiture ask the question, what are some tips for taking portraits? And the answers are always the same; try to get natural poses, shoot during the golden hour, use a longer lens, use a lower aperture and so on… Those are great first tips, but something that doesn’t [...]

The post Gaining Confidence as a Portrait Photographer:... more

I’ve never been a massive fan of the whole “Fix it in Photoshop” (or Lightroom, in this case) mentality, but it does undoubtedly offer its benefits, especially when the conditions under which you’re able to get the shot may be out of your control. In this video from Swiss landscape photographer and YouTuber, YuriFineart, we [...]

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Documenting nature isn’t always as cute and fluffy as we’d like it to be, and when it comes to the law of the jungle, the judge occasionally dons his black cap. I would imagine that this video isn’t quite what Tan Nguyen expected to capture when he setup his GoPro pointed at this American Robinnest [...]

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No, this is not a TIE fighter gong over the sun, it is the International Space Station. And while getting a shot of the ISS over the sun is competently doable, getting that shot with Mercury in the frame is an epic effort. Engineer and photographerThierry Legault took this compositeof the ISS, Sun and Mercury [...]

The post Photo capturing the Sun, ISS and Mercury in a single frame... more

Its nice to have a drone that can take photos and videos. What could be more fun that taking photos of people on the beach from high above or assaulting drone pilots out for the sake of privacy. I don’t see where this can go wrong. In fact drone shooting privacy is such a concern [...]

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I found these videos on the Adorama TV channel and thought this is a great idea to learn how photographers work.

Wallace vs Hoey : Small Studio Challenge

In these two videos Mark Wallace and Gavin Hoey go head to head in a small studio challenge to see what they can do with the same gear, in the same small space, with the same model – in 20 minutes or less. Let’s see what they each come up with.

Mark goes first:

Then it’s Gavin’s turn:

Which... more

John Aldred is DIYP’s video editor. If you liked our videos from the UK photoshow or our interviews with some of the worlds top creatives, he is the one to thank. I was askingJohn abouta deadline forone of our videos and he sent me this clip from Lixi studios as a reply. Now, I know [...]

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Shooting with a manual lens centers your attention on the precise image you want to produce. Once you get the hang of shooting manual (here are two prior dPS tutorials: Tips for Using Legacy Lenses and Shooting in Full Manual and Why Every Photographer Should Use a Manual... more

Color plays an enormous part in how a movie makes us feel(or a photo for that matter). In fact, when you look back at a movie, one of the most prominent memories will be how it was colored. Maybe not on a conscious level, but the color palate ultimately gives a movie its feel. Cinema [...]

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If, like some,you spend the same amount of time playing Doom 4K as you are editing videos, you will absolutely like this hack for using a game controller to control premiere. Editor Casey Farishas a pretty sweet setup using Logitech Gamepad controller (about $20). The secret sauce is the actual mapping of the buttons. Casey [...]

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