Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I sometimes worry that I’m moving from being a photographer into simply being a collector of photography equipment. You just accumulate so much stuff over the years. A good deal on a camera here, a lens there, or you bid on a complete outfit on eBay because the final price is worth the one item [...]

The post This is the world’s smallest and most portable photo office... more

In an effort to branch out from the spinning disc technology of its hard drives, Western Digital have announced that they have completed their acquisition of SanDisk. In a deal costing Western Digital $17 billion in cash and shares, it puts the company in a great position to compete with companies like Samsung in the [...]

The post Western Digital... more

Hi my name is Jake Hicks, as someone who does both the photography and the retouching for my shoots, (learn my flow here), I got wondering ifclients buy our photography or our retouching? As technology becomes more and more accessible our clients are becoming increasingly more aware of what is possible with image retouching software [...]

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If you have read a few of my previous pieces here on the Digital Photography School like “5 Uncomfortable Truths about Photography“, or “How Making Horrible Photos Will Lead to More Keepers“, youll know that I have a much greater respect for learning, effort, and practice than... more

One morning last December, I woke up and noticed that adream of mine came true: I had takena picture that went viral. Apicture I took ata friends wedding had been shared by UNILAD on Facebook with the caption Best wedding photoever. Ithad over 300,000 likes and wasgaining hundreds by the minute. Unfortunately, they also added [...]

The post My wedding photo went viral, and this is what I learned... more

Chimera have just announced a pair of new self-levelling lighting boom arms, allowing you to quickly raise and lower your lights without having to adjust the hight of your light stand, or readjust the angle of your light & modifier. If your first thought, like mine, was “Awesome, cheap camera jib!”, then I would suggest [...]

The post Chimera’s... more

In a sneak peek posted on YouTube today, Adobe are showing off one of the new features that’s coming in what they describe as a “Major Update” to the Creative Cloud platform. The video, presented by Stephen Neilson from the Adobe Photoshop team, walks us through the new feature. Designed to help us fill in [...]

The post Content Aware Crop is one of... more

If you are struggling with getting your photos of cities and architecture to pop out, chances are that you are underestimating the power of lines in your images. Lines help you structure your images in ways that lead your viewers to look at different parts of the picture, and create interest in both your main objects and the surroundings.

The image above shows an example of how you can use lines to create a visual guidance within your city and architecture images, that will help... more

Xiaomi have been teasing us about their forayinto the drone market for a little while now. Nowthey have officially announced the Mi Drone, a 4K quadcopter which also shoots RAW stills, for a mere $460. Boasting an array of impressive features, the Chinese electronics company looks all set to take on the big boys at [...]

The post Xiaomi’s new Mi Drone boasts 4K Video and RAW for... more

In a departure from the typical adrenaline pumping videos typically posted by GoPro, When We Were Knights is a powerful storyon the bonds of friendship, love and loss. Matt Blanc and Ian Flanders were the best of friends, constantly pushing and inspiring each other. In July 2015, during what was supposed to be a fairly [...]

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