Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Information about Fuji’spossibleentry into the mirrorless medium format worldis mostly just speculation, but it seems it’s becoming a matter of “when” rather than “if” Fuji will announcesomething. Fuji Rumorsarereporting that a “trusted source” has told them it will be “definitely more affordable” than Hasselblad’s new X1D. There’s been talk about Fuji releasing a medium format [...]

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When it comes to creative advertising, beer companies often spring to mind as being some of the most ridiculousculprits.They want to make us laugh, they want to remind us how “fun” it can beto consume alcohol. Not to be outdone, German breweryBergedorfer Bier, are having a go at the maternity photography genre with their latest [...]

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You maybe wondering shouldnt you always place your subject or main point of interest off-center? Isnt that what the rule of thirds is about? If so, I suggest you refer back to my earlier article about creating strong compositions with a centrally placed subject. It makes the point that its perfectly possible to create a well composed image with the subject placed centrally.

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Snapchat might be quite a silly and frivolous app to some people, while others live on it. Regardless of your thoughts on its practical application, it employs some pretty serious technology in order to be able to do what it does with its “lenses”, or filters as most people callthem. From the samefacial recognition principles [...]

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Everything seems to be getting smaller and smaller these days. Cameras and lenses don’t seem to be immune to this phenomenon, despite some cameras pushing for bigger. Of course, there’s no real right or wrong when it comes to the size of your camera, just whether or not it will do the job. One of [...]

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Here is a cool tagging idea we got fromRoni Chastain. Roni uses dog tags for marking her gear. In an email to DIYP she explains: … I have them [dog tag ] on my cameras, bags, tripod. I had my daughter put them on their sneakers, when they go out running… …My thoughts have always [...]

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Admit it! object masking sucks. It’s not that it is impossible, even the hardest selections and masks can be created with some work (and some methods require less work that others). But, in general, masking is a hard and tedious work. Researchers in theThe Chinese University of Hong Kong working with Adobe Research are now [...]

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At first glance this seems like an easy thing to achieve, how hard can it be to get a great looking gelled background in your shot? As anybody who has used gels in the past will tell you, there’s certainly a few key things to pay attention to if you want to avoid those flat, [...]

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I bought a stack of foreign Vogue magazines for inspiration, and inside of Vogue Italia I saw an amazing photo of Alessandra Ambrosio on a beach at night (the imageat the bottom of this page). I tucked it away in a manila envelope labeled “Possible Shoots”. For a year and a half, every time I [...]

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One of the most difficult and frustrating parts about shooting with film, back before the days of digital photography, was the limited amount of attempts you had to get the photo you wanted. I remember carrying around spare rolls of film in afanny (waist) pack on a trip to Walt Disney World years ago, and carefully considering each photo, lest I get one setting wrong and blow the entire shot.

Back then you had to wait days, or even weeks, to get your pictures back from a... more
