Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Stabilising small cameras such as GoPros can be tricky. Their light weigh makes them particularly vulnerable to things like wind or fast movements. There are commercial handheld options out there to give you smoother footage, like the Lanparte HHG-01 or the Ikan Fly-X3-Plus, but they can be a littlepricey. While it’s not going to give [...]

The post Build your own DIY GoPro stabiliser out of... more

If you’re living in the this earth you know that capturing Pokemons with thepokemon go app is sucking out everyone’s time. People have been capturing pokemons in parks, museums, just on the street and actually everywhere…. you will not hear me complain to anything that get folks out off the couch and on to the [...]

The post Apparently capturing Pokemons... more

Ive pretty much shot RAW all my life. There are so many benefits of shooting RAW in terms of how much flexibility you have with the files, as well as the raw data in the files. However, as time goes on, Im starting to lean more towards shooting JPEG and Im starting to realize the [...]

The post 8 Reasons Why You Should Shoot in JPEG appeared first on ... more

Everybody seems to have a drone these days of some sort or another for all kinds of different things. Most of them have cameras attached, but almost all of those have one limiting feature; they have a fixed focal length, which means the only kind of zoom you’re going to get is digital. DJI’s new [...]

The post Optical zoom finally comes to the mass drone market with... more

Here is a problem nature and wildlife photographers have to deal with. How to protect gear when accesing the bag. Some shoots involve dust, rain, mud and other elements that may “interact” with your $11,000 600mm f/4 lens. And you wouldn’t want that. Mindshift Gear’s (re)newed version ofMoose Peterson’s “ears” bag suggests a solution to [...]

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The Fukushima disaster was one of the biggest and most terrible man-made catastrophes of all time. In the course of several days on march 2011 a nuclear power plant near Fukushima went from being a welcomed power source to hell on earth. The place was evacuated and access has been denied. Some photographers go through [...]

The post Unseen (and unauthorised) photos from the ghost... more

Photo colarization is a thing. We want to look at color photos, but we only had black and white film a few decades ago, so there is a gap to fulfill. I guess our kids will want to hologrimize our colored photos when they grow up, but this is another story). Up till now, colorizing [...]

The post Algorithmia colorizes your black and white photos, but they have much to improve... more

One of the most challenging things about photography is finding good subject matter. People want to see images of places and things that they normally may not get to witness in person. It’s not always easy to find fresh and appealing material that will draw in your viewer and capture their attention.

Luckily, with a little looking, you have the most abundant resource you will ever need to produce wonderful photographs, that have appeal and carry timeless beauty: nature. That... more

Every once in awhile I find myself somewhere where there is a large number of people watching a sunset – and where there are people watching a sunset, there are people taking photos of it. One interesting trend that I have noticed over the years is that as soon as the sun drops below the [...]

The post Keep Taking Pictures After Sunset! appeared first on... more

We love your style! So we’re going to hire you to do something completely different. If this made you laugh, then these responses are going to hit home. Ah the industry is a fun one! On one hand we get to thrive creatively, on the other hand all of us have to deal with the [...]

The post 30 lines that you never want to ever hear from a client appeared first on... more
