Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Paul C. Buff have today announced theirfirst new flash units since the Einstein six years agowith the launch ofthe DigiBee DB800 andDB400studio strobes. Essentially, they’re digital AlienBees, but smaller, and with a few cool new features. Photographer Nino Batista got his hands on the first two off the production line and put together this video [...]

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As my nation (USA) celebrates 100 years of the National Park Service, renewed interest in our untouched landscapes is growing, and that’s a great thing. Even with the selfie-crazed tourists crowding our parks and national monuments, it’s a positive point that more of us are getting out into the great outdoors and connecting with this land of ours.

A side benefit of this movement is a renewed interest in nature and the outdoors in general. Even 58 national parks in the U.S... more

Launched for iOS around five weeks ago, Prisma seems to have taken the world by storm. At least, it has if the images scrolling through my Facebook feed have been anything to go by. According to their website “Prisma transforms your photos into artworks using the styles of famous artists”. District 7 Media have taken [...]

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I will say, right off the bat, the photographyitself is pretty amazing, but this video recently released by Canon is eerily similar to a D500 & SB-5000 promo video Nikon put outwith Keith Ladzinski back in April. Canon’s “The Shot”, with Krystle Wrighttakes some speedlights and mounts them on drones in order to be able [...]

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Jagged peaks, precipitous drops, deep and sweeping valleys: mountainous landscapes are unquestionably some of the most photogenic places on the planet. It shows too – take a look at any photo magazine or website, and you are likely to find not just one or two, but dozens of images of mountains.

Mountains are a landscape torn apart by the steady pressure of plate tectonics and erosion, and in that drama is the potential for spectacular photography. Why then are so many... more

Not long ago, we showed you an amazing 12K timelapse from Joe Capra shot on the Phase One XF IQ3 100MP camera. Why shoot in 12K if there’s no platform which supports it and no devices capable of playing back that resolution? For more creative zoom options in post. The final timelapse video was output [...]

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At some point or another, most of us that shoot video have to create a clip sliding past, or moving around some kind of static object. Perhapssomething small, like a pair of rings for wedding shooters, or it could be something as large as a car. In this video from DSLR Video Shooter,Caleb Pike walks [...]

The post How to create beautiful slow motion slider shots appeared first on... more

If you enjoy light painting photography, I think this review of tools from Light Painting Brushes (LPB) will interest you. All photographers know that light is essential to taking a successful photograph. At night, when light is limited, light painting can be a fun and artistic form of photography that may stretch a shutter-bugs creativity by creating light, solely for the purpose of photographing light. If you are new to light painting please read my article –... more

Recently, The Try Guys at BuzzFeed were Photoshopped to produce their ideal male body types, as a way to explore how the world of Photoshop and retouching affects men. With such an overwhelming experience and response, especially from women, they started thinking about how the process female subjects, too. In their new video, they recreate [...]

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There’s no question that Sony make some ridiculously good cameras (don’t tell Udi I said that), but one of the things that seems to have let them down is their flash capability and interoperability with third party flash units. It’s one of the things that stops people switching to Sony, and it’s one of the [...]

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