Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Working with minimal equipment can be a fun challenge. If you’re just starting out and have only limited gear, it can be your only choice. But what can you do to help make that one light produce more interesting results? Well, with the help of some flags and reflectors, you can do quite a bit. [...]

The post Cinematic headshot lighting with just one light and a few... more

Sony’s much anticipated A6300 was finally released in March this year. An eagerly awaited update to 2014’s A6000. Now, a mere 8 months later, Sony have announced the new Alpha A6500 at aSony event in NYC. It contains a 24MP APS-C Exmor CMOS sensor and like its predecessor shoots 4K video. Let’s hope it doesn’t [...]

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Photographers often talk about advancing themselves, and improving their craft. Rarely do they talk about why. At first it appears obvious. They want to shoot great pictures.Becoming proficient with the technical side of photography is pretty easy, though, thanks to digital. There’s a wealth of information online on every photography technique and principle you could [...]

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The video function on your camera is probably one that you don’t play with very often. It’s often disregarded – after all, DSLR cameras are not exclusively video cameras are they? But did you know that some big budget films, including The Avengers, have scenes shot on DSLR cameras? In fact, The Avengers used the Canon EOS 5D Mark II and 7D cameras on the set!

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This is a topic that seems to come up every few years. As sensors increase in dynamic range, ND grads sometimes aren’t so essential. Raw processing software becomesmore capablewith each new release. Even filters thatcut through haze aren’t always needed. But what about things like circular polarisers and big ND filters for super long exposures? [...]

The post Are... more

I’ll save you some time and give you the short version. If you thought the 5D Mark III was awesome, then you’ll think the 5D Mark IV is awesome. It’s at least as good as its predecessor. It has a few significant new features, but overall, it may not be worth the costfor 5D Mark [...]

The post In-depth 5D Mark IV Review – Probably not worth... more

It has been a little over four years since I wrote my very first article for Digital Photography School. In that time, I have covered avast array of subjects. I still often get asked what is my personal favourite photo that I have taken, or what is my best selling image. So for this, my 50th article for dPS, I will tell you.

My Best Selling Photo

I had done a fair bit of research into... more

Drones have become the go-to method for getting you GoPro up in the air. But in more and more locations, new regulations limit where we can fly. But what other options do we have? Well, you could gaffer tape it to a coat hanger and swing it around your head on a piece of string.Or, [...]

The post Get your GoPro airborne by shoving it into a giant Nerf football and throwing it... more

I recently hosted another large photography meet-up in Watkins Glen, New York (Aka The 2016 Watkins Glen Flickr Gathering Aka #WGFG2016 Aka the greatest weekend ever to happen anywhere ever.)… And by large I mean there were 30 of us.I hosted a meet up last year (you can read about that here and/or here),and even [...]

The post I swapped all my fancy lights for candles and... more

If you’re not dealing with broadcast, and you’re simply uploading to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc. then I’ll save you some time. You don’t have to stick with 29.97 framerate. It’s old, it’s obsolete, it’s no longer technically relevant, shoot and play back at whatever framerate you like. If you want to delve a little deeper [...]

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