Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The kids are back in school in most places around the world. So what kinds of images represent school, students, and the education process?

Going to school means different things to each of us. Here’s what it means to these photographers (first two are my images of kids in Nicaragua):

By Omiya Tou

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Without light, there would be no such thing as photography. But simply having light isn’t enough. Cameras turn our three dimensional world into a two dimensional flat image. Light allows us to bring that third dimension back into our images. In order to do that, we need to know how to read it and how [...]

The post The laws of light cannot be broken but they can be controlled... more

It’s taken a while, but it’s finally happened. Instagram is finally available for Windows 10 tablets. An app had previously been released for Windows 10 Mobile back in April, but now we have it on the Windowsdesktop. It features all the usual features, including Instagram Stories, messaging and Explore. You’ll also be able to capture, [...]

The post Instagram App... more

I have been using PayPal for almost all my business transactions for years now – however, I recently had to (briefly) open an old fashioned business bank account for a special project I was working on. I was amazed at how expensive and useless a regular business bank account is compared to PayPal! There were [...]

The post Old Fashioned Bank Accounts... more

As a people photographer, I am not a specialist in photographing still forms like architectural structures and interior spaces. However, because I photograph weddings, I often take photos of interiors and locations as part of the wedding photos I give my clients. This is essentially how I learned to develop an eye for detail, form and structure as part and parcel of my work.

Let me share with you a few tips I have learned that will hopefully get you started in photographing... more

As 360 VR cameras go, the Ricoh Theta S has been up there amongst the most popular. In fact, it may be the single most popular 360 camera out there. It has a very loyal fanbase, and if you’re shooting stills it’s a great little camera. For me, though, it always seemed to fall over [...]

The post Ricoh’s new Theta SC 360VR isn’t the Theta S upgrade some... more

Ferrania was restarted as FILM Ferrania in 2012 byNicola Baldini andMarco Pagni. The pairtook to Kickstarterin September 2014 to seek funding to resurrect the recently closed Ferrania film factories after 3M’s departure. Their goal was simple. To keep producing the popular 35mm and 120 format films Ferraniawasfamous for. But a number of factors caused some [...]

The post... more

Hurricane Matthew was the deadliest hurricane in over a decade, killing at least 500 to possibly over a 1,000 people during its run. It also caused billions of dollars worth of damage to property. That devastation included Hope Mills, North Carolinawhich saw severe flooding. In the aftermath, filmmaker ImSoFIRST took out his drone to survey [...]

The post How a drone photo on Twitter... more

Have you ever done macro photography? If you have, there is little doubt that your first experiences with it were magnificent. What a cool aspect of photography! If you havent, give it a go and experience the world up close and super personal. Some photographersgo crazy about it and although I have taken my fair share of macro photos, and have even purchased a... more

The “flat design” style drop shadows seem to have become a big thing lately. Whenever I check out my YouTube feed, I always seem to see a new tutorial on how to do it in Photoshop, Illustrator or After Effects. It’s easy to see why. It’s a pleasing look. It complements a flat design with [...]

The post How to light real world objects with “flat... more
