Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you were the world’s most famous portrait photographer, what camera would you take on a job? If you’reAnnie Leibovitz the answer is probably all. Annie shot a “roadtrip” commercial forLincoln Continental featuring quite a few celebs “going on a roadtrip”. Most of the movie is filled with Nikon and Hasselblads (I have no idea [...]

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I suspect if asked the question “Would you rather be editing your images, or out there photographing that what you love?” only a select few of us photographers will raise our hands for the former! Photography is an incredibly creative art form and as artists, we want to be able to create beautiful imagery every timewe click the shutter. For the most part, we want to spend more time creating and less time editing our images. There are several simple steps we can take to try and... more

Back when Lightroom 5 was released, Adobe included an extremely useful tool called the Radial Filter. However, the name wasnt particularly clear about what it could do, so many people still have yet to find how useful and powerful it can be. Further improvements were added in Lightroom 6, with the ability to further edit the effect of the tool with the Brush function.

Workflow process

A generally accepted practice when editing images, is that you do your global adjustments first... more

We are keeping a close eye on YI. initially dubbed as the GoPro killer, YI has been growing. They have a gimbal out, a drone in the planning and a mirrorless camera. I thought it would be very interesting to speak withYI CEO,Mr. Sean Da, about the past, present and future of YI. It is [...]

The post YI CEO: Splitting off from XIAOMI, We are not afraid... more

When you were a kid, you may have toyed around with taking things apart. Then, putting them back together again. For me, more often than not, the put-back-together part ended with some spare parts. The lack of which did not seem to impact the assembled piece though. Watch theGoPro Hero 5 undergoing the same procedure. [...]

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When I was shooting and testing the new Sony RX100 V for a few hours last week I usually kept it in single shot mode, how I have shot forever. Single shot mode goes against everything that this new superspeed jet fuel camera is all about. This new refresh of the RX100V is all about [...]

The post The Decisive Moment & The Sony RX100 V appeared first on... more

Many of us had a love-hate relationship with going to school as kids. There are fun parts, and not so fun parts for each person. But there are some things that we always think of fondly, no matter where you went to school or your age. Here are some images of school days to get you thinking.

By Todd Petrie

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When I’m heading out location scouting or to do a shoot, we often drive through rain 3 or 4 times before we get there. The weather around here is full of all sorts of different microclimates, some small, some large. So it’s not uncommon to see columns of rain coming down in the distance. Rarely, [...]

The post This amazing storm timelapse makes... more

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to night photography is incorporating good foreground elements, but learning a few simple tricks will instantly elevate your game.Ifyouve ever snapped a shot of the Milky Way in a very dark area on a moonless night, you will find that the landscape elements will often be silhouetted [...]

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Ansel Adams’ book,Yosemite and the Range of Light, is one of those must-reads of photography. Especially if you’re a landscape shooter. It’s full of amazing imagery that’s inspired countless other photographers since it was first published in 1979. But how did he decide exactly which images went into its creation? In the latest video of [...]

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