Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Thinking of buying a new lens, but not sure which one you’d like? There’s a new fun website called What the Lens, and it helps you choose the lens based on the photos you like. After the fun website that helps you find your film soulmate, this one pairs you and your camera with the […]

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This article will walk you through some tips for how to set up a basic portrait post-processing workflow that can help you save time and stay organized.

The problem

When you’re new to photography, everything is exciting. Every time you come home with a full memory card, it’s a mad rush to the computer to see what you have captured. You’re eager to see every image and each one is treated as a separate entity with every technique you’ve come across. This is great.... more

If you like listening high-quality podcast about photography, theres a real treat for you on RGGEDU. Gary MartinandRob Grimm talk with some of the most talented and famous photographers of today. There will be four seasons in total, and Season 1 is ready for free downloador streaming. Rob and Gary sat down to chat with […]

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I know, I get it, you’re sick of all the “why I switched” posts, already. But, photographer Francisco Hernandez has some pretty compelling reasons for his switch from the Canon 6D to the Sony A7RII. Of course, the reason why anybody switches to or even initially chooses a particular brand or body are often personal […]

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From people who download someone else’s photo for thedesktop background, to those who steal photos from others and represent them as their own – photo theft is a pretty common occurrence. Many people don’t take the credits, but don’t give them to the author either (just remember the Tyra Banks case). In this episode of […]

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The Internet is flooded with reactions about the Oscar Best Picture gaffe, and the explanation is finally here. People have been speculating what went wrong that evening, and Ive heard a bunch of theories since this historic mistake happened. But it turns out the whole mess was because of one tweeted photo of Best Actress […]

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It’s become pretty clear by now that Elinchrom really like testing the limits of their gear. They’ve put them on drones, battled oceans, and lit up ice tunnels. So, for the launch of the new Elinchrom ELB 1200 pack, they had to go pretty crazy. And crazy is exactly where they went, strapping the new […]

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Portable light sources are essential to your photography toolkit when you’re ready to progress beyond natural lighting and take your images to the next level. While off-camera flash photography can be intimidating, LED lights can be quality solutions that are much easier to operate. One of the leading LED lights for photographers is the popular, yet pricey, ... more

You may argue if iPhone 7 Plus’ Portrait mode is any good. Some people love it and some hate it, but apparently – it was good enough for Billboard Magazine. Photographer Miller Mobley shot the February 17 issue of Billboard magazine, featuring a rising pop starCamila Cabello on the cover. And despite the fact that […]

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Normally, I don’t pay that much attention to rumours.But this is a rumour-not-rumour-sort-of-a-maybe-leak kinda thing. It may simply just be a typo. But, the good folks at The Photography Show have released their official preview mini-guide to this year’s show. Browsing through the guide, you might notice something a little interesting under Sony’s listing on […]

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