Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The tones and organic nature of analog film are things many of us have began to long for in our digital age. Dont worry, though, this will not be an article about the merits or disadvantages of digital photography or whether film is better or worse than digital. The purpose of this tutorial is to deliver what might be called the best of both photographic worlds. And if not the best, a very liveable compromise between the charm of analog film and the convenience of digital imaging – how... more

Ok, imaging AI is just getting ridiculous now.By now we all know of the Prisma app. It lets you take photos and turn them into images that resemble paintings by artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, etc.A team of reseachers at UC Berkley havecome up with a system that does the exact opposite of that. […]

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We’ve all heard why 29.97fps and 25fps becamethe standards for TV & video broadcast. It basically boiled down to technical issues based around the electrical supply and the limitations of available airwaves. But those reasons don’t explain one thing. How did 24fps become the standard for film? In this Home Theater Geeks podcast, host Scott […]

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In my last article Photography marketing: preparing the ground for your business to flourish I pointed out how we can do our best to market ourselves and how occasionally coincidences or serendipity play a much bigger role than marketing. Now I want to go through the habits that could significantly improve the chances […]

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The Magic Lantern team made an announcement that they added 4Kraw video recording to Canon EOS 5D Mark III. Since the news was released on April 1st, it left us all wondering can this be true? And a few days later, we realize that it apparently can. Its still an early concept with some […]

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It’s that time of year again. It’s warming up, the sun’s coming back, and people are going outside to shoot more portraits. And as often happens when we reach this time of year, some of those portrait sessions happen on train tracks. And occasionally, people getkilled by trains while shooting on those tracks. TODAY investigative […]

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It’s always great to meet up with friends, and as photographers, it’s great to meet with fellow photographers. A lot of people’s photography style is to go it alone, which can be good for many things. But, even if you like to photograph alone there are times when meeting other photographers, and bouncing ideas off them will help you. Those meetings are often in the form of photo walks, where most people photograph by themselves. A progression of this type of photography... more

They say that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and that’s certainly true for weird lens addict, Mathieu Stern. He regularly finds treasure that others only see as garbage. This time, though, he’s taking thingsliterally, buildingthe Crapinon 135mm DIY lens. Mathieu often trawls the local flea markets looking for bargains, oddities and rare lenses. […]

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When you’re editing photos, you probably use presets from time to time. But do you think you use them too much? I have stumbled upon an interesting video from photographer Hans Rosemond which could affect your view on presets. (Over)using them today may seem fun, easy and as a huge time saver. But what will […]

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No matter who we are, our skin isn’t perfect. It’s just a fact of life. The odd zit here and there, a little scratch, perhaps a single stray hair. There’s always something. So, for portraits, temporary blemishes usually need a quick touch up. Fortunately, such issues are easy to fix in Photoshop. Or, more accurately, […]

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