Photography Blogs & Tutorials

As destination workshop providers, instructors and guides, we dont get to shoot nearly enough studio images. So when an opportunity comes along to break out the studio strobes and craft some well thought lighting and imagery, we get excited. When Profoto sends us their new flagship portable strobe we get downright ecstatic. As we both […]

The post Pop,... more

Im going to break with tradition a bit, for I usually am not one to talk about celebrities that I keep in touch with from photoshoots. Some of this comes out of professional courtesy, and another part of it is that I am a bit of a private personHowever, a current project and fun day […]

The post How I got Larry Fitzgerald to take photos of my family for Mothers Day... more

This is the famous and elusive Horsetail “Firefall” Fall in Yosemite, but unlike every other image you may have seen – always taken near sunset around February – the fire effect in this image is caused by moonlight. That’s the only possible way one could see the firefall and stars at the same time! How […]

The post How I photographed... more

Why only have round bokeh, when you can get it all sorts of shapes? You can achieve shaped bokeh by cutting a shape in black paper and placing it on the lens. Or if youre too lazy or not really precise, you can even buy premade shapes. But what if I told you theres a […]

The post This cheap lens makes square bokeh thanks to its aperture appeared first on... more

As photographers, we all want to be constantly improving our work. However, often this can seem like an uphill struggle, especially when you are just starting out. As an art form, photography is all about the creative process and exploring ideas through images, but in order to really create great images you need to put a plan in place for your own development; especially focused on skills, inspiration, purpose and output. By tackling these elements you can focus your mind and develop your... more

Abstract: Chromatically complex light adds much more realism to your lit photos.

Todays Lighting 103 post features excerpts from a bar conversation with Greg Heisler. It's just as if we cornered him at a conference (which I did) and he agreed to have a drink and talk color (which he did).

This is roadmap... more

Getting clean stable footage is often one of the more difficult challenges with video. Especially while you’re still figuring everything out. Recently, we showed you several tips for getting stable handheld footage. Even relatively smooth handheld footage, though can benefit from a little extra assistance. As technology advances, there are many ways to make your […]

The post... more

A few weeks ago I received an email from a new photographer who asked, “How do I make my images better?” At first, I chuckled, realizing that question has resulted in the production of thousands of articles here at dPS, and uncountable books, websites, and magazines. There is just SO MUCH information on how to do better photography that its easy to get lost in the sea of advice, photo tips, and expert opinion.

In my response to that struggling photographer, I... more

Hasselblad has announced the latest innovation in their range of aerial cameras. They have introduced their latest model, Hasselblad A6D-100c, a 100MP medium format aerial camera. Its built upon its previous models, but with improved features and higher resolution. Hasselblad A6D-100c features a 100 MP CMOS sensor and the ISO range from 64 to 12,800. […]

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Google seems to heavily turning into an AI company above all else right now. AI is a necessary part of Google’s search in order to provide the most suitable results. But it’s gone far beyond that now. At Google’s I/O developer conference, CEO Sundar Pichai announced Google Lens. It’s a new technology designed to leverage […]

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